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Sir Wolf:
so who all has been keeping up with their pages? i added 2 more pictures to mine. i really wish i had something more though. i have no story line like Sir Williams. his page makes me seriously envious of his creativity. :)

ideas? thoughts? how to make improvements on each others pages?

Sir Edward:

It's been a while since I changed anything on mine, other than one picture a week or two ago.

The cool thing is that you can sort by update-date and see who has changed their pages recently. I don't think the date takes into account picture replacement though.

Sir Matthew:
Yeah, I need to update mine a bit. I'll have to see if I can find some time this week to do it and maybe add a new picture. In July I should be getting my peascod breast and back from Illusion Armory for reenacting, so I'll definitely have to get a new pic up then.

Sir Jason Simonds:
I as well need to add a lot more to my page.

Sir William:
Wolf, thanks...I sorta winged that one as I was reading up on Marshal at the time and linked myself to him as you saw.  One of my little hobbies is writing...I'm good for short stories but for some reason, I've run into a wall that I've been unable to scale, circumvent or bring down and you'd think, given the subject matter, I should have no problems.  But I do.

Anyway, all that to say- I do update my page from time to time, usually w/pics...I didn't think anyone read what I'd written so I didn't bother expounding...but I had something pretty heavy in mind.


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