Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Fuller, you decide.

(1/2) > >>

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Proof that the fuller doesn`t work as a blood groove or help as a vacuum release..............




Sir Wolf:
buhahahahahha. did it make that sucking noise when u pulled it out? hehe

Sir James A:
I think his coat of plates may fit me. I hope you kept it as a trophy of your victory; I'd be happy to take it off your hands. ;)

Sir William:
If you remove the sword, it looks like you're preparing to be most disrespectful!  lol

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
lol it does doesn`t it, and I would have done if I couldn`t get the sword out, I don`t think you would have wanted the COP then James lmao



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