Main > The Campaign

Celtic Fling @ PARF

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Sir William:
Is it this weekend?

Sir Brian:
no the 25th and 26th. :)

Sir William:
Hmm.  Not sure about that one; my daughter turns 17 on Thursday and she wants to come home for the weekend...who knows, we might make it but I am thinking mayhaps not.

Sir Brian:
Well my Fae wife finally decided for us that we'll be going to the Celtic fling on the 26th.  :)

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-06-17, 16:08:16 ---Well my Fae wife finally decided for us that we'll be going to the Celtic fling on the 26th.  :)

--- End quote ---

Gauisus uxor Gauisus vita  ;)


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