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Buliwyf Hygiliaksen and Herger the Joyous were Knightly.

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Sir William:
Well...I suppose I could see it from that angle but I will say that he did not attempt to kill him outright- not w/out first checking with his paymaster.  One could argue that Herger was but the same for Buliwyf as he states: "I'll do it.  You shouldn't be involved," thereby noting that it would not be well-received if Buliwyf slew the man himself.  Knowing the outcome beforehand?  That is the very definition of a 'setup'. 

Having the money to pay a weregild price is but part of the deal- I thought the family had to be consulted, a price set and then formally accept it in order for it to be considered finished.  I could be wrong in that assumption.

FTR this movie is a favorite of mine, and I've always considered Herger the best of them all...if only because he seemed to actually enjoy life as he could take it, and did a good deal less grumbling than most.


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