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Sir Wulf:
I am Sir Wulf, a heathen Ridder (Norse for knight). I must say that I am a reluctant knight. I did not think that the Nordic path was cunducive to what a knight represents. I have studied several combat forms over the years. Everything from Eastern hand-to-hand to practical shooting. But using cold steel is probably one of my favorites. While I am reasonably skilled with many weapon groups, the axe and shield is my true forte.
It is my hope that I can add something useful to this forum.

Sir Wolf:

jump right in!

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum!

Oh, and I love that the first welcome post to Sir Wulf is from Sir Wolf.

Wolf, meet Wulf. Wulf, meet Wolf. :)

Sir Rodney:
Well met Sir Wulf!

and all, meet chuck to horned viking goat  :P

Welcome to the forum good Sir!


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