Main > The Round Table
Trial by combat
Sir William:
You know Rob was telling himself 'you cannot lose to a fop, you cannot lose to a fop- you are a Scot' over and over again!
Sir Brian:
So to summarize that Rob Roy movie duel:
Archibald: “I rape your wife!”
Rob Roy: “I end your miserable life”
Sir Gerard de Rodes:
I found the book, "The Last Duel" by Eric Jager to be a fascinating read and couldn`t put it down untill I had turned the last page.
Sir William:
I'm putting this book on my Kindle I love that thing. Altho I still love my paper books, it is quite handy.
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-06-14, 16:24:43 ---So to summarize that Rob Roy movie duel:
Archibald: “I rape your wife!”
Rob Roy: “I end your miserable life”
--- End quote ---
It's almost a summary of the whole film. :) What's cool is that they worked some real martial techniques into the duel, if I recall. It's been a long time since I've seen it (and I'm not getting a chance to watch youtube stuff this week). I may have to add the film to my collection.
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