Main > The Armoury

Allright I am looking to buy some plate.

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Sir Ulrich:
Like Sir Joshua I want to get my plate armor at Mercenaries Tailor

I want to get these but i'm not sure how I can get them custom fit for me
Also want a set of these:
Does anyone know how I can order them custom fit for me? I'm not sure how to and would like a little bit of help to do so. The price seems almost like a steal because most plate I've seen runs for around 150 bucks for the same thing thats not even custom fitted.

Sir Edward:

I think Allan has some contact info somewhere on the website. It might be worth asking him how flexible he is in the sizing. Most of the armor is pretty standardized in size, so you might need it sized down a little. I have extra room in mine, but I fill most of it with mail and/or arming clothes. :)

Sir Wolf:
ya just contact him. he will make it to size i am sure. smaller prob being easier than larger since its less material etc.

Sir James A:
Allan often has trouble with PMs and sometimes emails getting lost, both here and on other forums. My advice would be to call him during normal weekday business hours.

He'll ask for measurements before he builds the armor. It's not off the shelf, so it should be sized to your measurements, as best as is possible considering it's just measurements over the internet, unless you're physically there for some test fitting during the forging.

Allan seems to be very "down in the dumps" on his armoring lately. In addition to asking questions and/or ordering, it would be nice if you could tell him how great his prices are, how nice his armor looks, or any other compliments you can give him. I am sure he would appreciate it.

Sir Wolf:
well what did he say?


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