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Sir Jason at your Service.

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Sir Jason Simonds:
I figured since I haven't done a Formal Introduction yet I would post one.

My name is Jason Simonds, I currently live in Crofton, Md.

I have Enjoed going to Renaissance Festivals at Vaious locations over the past 12 Years. My original home faire was the original Varf, but now I call MDRF home.

I have always had an interest in the ways of the knight, but never really pushed myself to study the more intricate details of what style armor was worn when and where, what the different parts are called, or read on the stories of various knights.

I enjoy Medevil type movies, Fantasy, Fiction, or based on truth. I enjoy watching anything on the history channel that has to do with knightly adventures, stories, and the like.

After meeting Sir Edward, and during our growing friendship, I have learned alot from him and will continue to learn as much as I can. Sir Edward and Sir Brian have both helped peak my interests over the past few years to push myself to want to know more about the ways of knights. So begins my journey in becoming a knight myself.

I have started with some low cost lighter weight variety armor, but fully intend to grow my collection over the years, learning as much as I can about my armor as well as others so I may answer questions about them as well.

I will enjoy talking to you all, and learn of your experiences.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Welcome Sir Jason


Sir Wolf:

Sir Patrick:
Welcome and Huzzah! 

Sir Wolf:
Sir Jason, now it is your mission to drag Sir Jon of the "ravenhelmet" clan to the forum ;)


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