Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Wish Me Luck

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Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: RauttSkegg ---... I was awarded the 'Torse Cynagua' for "The Coronet may award the Torse Cynagua to a fighter who has shown particular courtesy, chivalry and/or valor in the Coronet lists. This award is to be given out at the Coronet tourney after the lists and may be given only once per reign. The token for this award is a torse of Argent, Sable and Or ribbons."

There have been a total of 14 recipients in 14 years.
It's my first fighting award. Kinda cool yes?

--- End quote ---

Being identified as an individual who has shown "particular courtesy, chivalry and/or valor in the Coronet lists" is quite an honor.  Well done Ivan!

Sir Patrick:
Well done indeed!  Huzzah!

Sir William:
Congratulations and well done, Sir Ivan.  As I thought on this, I found it humorous that you would win an award for chivalry when you basically beat up your Mom!  LOL

Ok, I'm kidding...you'd mentioned before she was a warrior, I remembered.

Sir Wolf:
oooooooo well done indeed.


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