Main > The Armoury

Joshua's armor - was Re: Ed's Mid 14th C. kit

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Sir Edward:

Admin note: I split this topic out to its own thread since it's not part of the discussion of my kit.

That's one of the great things about historical armor. There's so much to choose from. :)

For your historical combat, you can work with pretty much any of the armor suggested so far, in terms of time period. Longsword was going out of style in the 16th, but was actively trained in the 15th. Otherwise I don't think it matters too much.

The 15th century armor can be a real eye-opener. In our class last night, we did some light bouting with just thrusts and pommel strikes, and trying to go for actual weaknesses in the armor. Tom Leoni commented that he was just amazed at how hard it was, since my armor had such great coverage. He could really only aim for my palms.

So if you do any combat where the rules for target areas are "as worn", then 15th C armor with voiders, faulds, etc, will work really well. :)

Joshua Santana:
Ah Yes, my business with your discussion is irrelevant.  How rude of me to barge in. ><
I apologize for this and should have posted a new post instead.  (lesson learned)

--- Quote ---For your historical combat, you can work with pretty much any of the armor suggested so far, in terms of time period. Longsword was going out of style in the 16th, but was actively trained in the 15th. Otherwise I don't think it matters too much.

The 15th century armor can be a real eye-opener. In our class last night, we did some light bouting with just thrusts and pommel strikes, and trying to go for actual weaknesses in the armor. Tom Leoni commented that he was just amazed at how hard it was, since my armor had such great coverage. He could really only aim for my palms.

So if you do any combat where the rules for target areas are "as worn", then 15th C armor with voiders, faulds, etc, will work really well.
--- End quote ---

Thanks, I did see the facebook photo gallery.  I really liked your Gothic Kit (which come to think of it, what you had was nearly what I wanted with my gothic kit prototype lol!)

It's very funny that 15th Century armor (both German and Italian) seem to like me, especially with the harness pic I posted. 

I will make inquires as to which kit style would fit in my budget.  I still am going for 15th Century Italian Full Harness or Full Kit.

Now that my time period is chosen, the problem of what style to choose from is what I'm currently facing.

Which one would look good?
(KA 4.1)
(Milanese Harness)

In terms of a Full Kit, that I have experimented earlier and I do have a good idea
(just wanted to see what you Brethren think about it)

Helmet Options/Choices
(AA 1.2)
(BB 1.2 A)
(Great Bascinet Helmet)

Joshua Santana:
Thread Update:  I have just got back from SIGMA at Staten Island and this is the result.

I have checked up with my teachers and they said the is a good armory along with with a recommendation for Merc Tailor's.

Having thought about what would be good financially and hearing on one of my teachers being a 14th Century Harness person.  And upon reflection of this thread, I have therefore decided to go with the 14th Century Harness look.

This time, the helmet will be a Visored Sugarloaf Helmet with the rest of the armor pieces 14th Century style.

In terms of other harnesses and kits, I will be switching back and forth between all steel and brigandine/COP, which settles the dilemma right there.

But never the less, I will follow Sir Wolf's Advice on the Merc Tailor prototype a nd later on I will post the rest of the Harnesses and Kit prototypes.

Sir Edward:

Cool, narrowing the choices down a bit will definitely help. I look forward to seeing what you end up with. :)

Sir William:
As do we all, Sir Joshua!


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