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VARF - comestibles

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Sir Edward:

You know, I'm not sure. It probably has to be at least 50 acres. Maybe more like 80? I don't know.

Sir William:
That's not a bad price for all that space considering the location.  Well...if I hit it big, I'll buy it and we'll be back in full swing!  You heard it here first.

Sir Edward:

Here's a listing with an areal photo of the faire site:

And another:

It looks like it's broken into two lots, totaling 162 acres for $8.6 Million.  That's a huge jump from the $1.5M they were originally asking 10 years ago.

Sir William:
10 years, economic upsweep burst, economic downturn still...yea, that's a lot of cheddar...but hey, what's $8.6M when you have over $100M, right?  Besides...with that much land I could move my whole family there and still have room enough to avoid eachother when it gets too testy.  LOL

Sir Brian:
Hey if your family is big enough you could always claim to be your own sovereignty that way you won’t have to worry about paying state and federal taxes. You could then declare war on the USA and quickly capitulate so the USA will rebuild your ‘nation’ for you!  ;D


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