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Sir Wolf:
can i just say how much i love this forum? :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-05-21, 21:20:44 ---can i just say how much i love this forum? :)

--- End quote ---

Yes, you may. And you just did. :)

Sir Patrick:
It is my favorite forum, hands down.  Everyone is consistantly respectful here, which is almost unheard of on a forum where people aren't required to use their real names.  "Modern Chivalry" lives up to its name. :)

Sir Brian:
I cannot abide rudeness especially online. I always felt that one shouldn't say or type anything if they are not ready to spill blood over it. Shame we have generations of 'talking smack' is so prevalent on many other forums.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-05-21, 21:20:44 ---can i just say how much i love this forum? :)

--- End quote ---

Seconded. :D


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