Miscellaneous > The Sallyport


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Sir James A:
I was not so gently placed against a concrete barrier on the interstate in Ohio by a semi when I was 17. After a trip to the hospital on a stretcher and backboard and a few weeks of rest and rehab - well, I've still never been the same. Getting up wrong can shoot pain down my lower back sometimes.

Best wishes with the recovery. Most important is don't over-strain yourself.

Sir Wolf:
many thanks for the well wishes. i do think this all comes from a fall i had 10 or so years ago where a ladder gave way while building a roof over my outdoor furnace. i grabbed a hold of the rafter with one arm and dangled for a few min but the damage had been done. ehehe silly chiropractor then wondered why i didn't go see him or a Dr right after it happened, hehe i told him i had to finish the roof first ;) it made my back go kinda crooked. its been fine for a while now, i mean goes out now and then but that's just the name of the game. this has just had me for a week straight now and is becoming a serious pain in the backside hehehe. glad i have insurance cause I've been back to seeing the chiro 3 times this week and got more apts for next week. it'll get better, till i do something again hahaha

Sir James A:
If you try one of the older remedies, make sure you don't believe them if they tell you that medieval and renaissance reenactors get western-style acupuncture with epees.

Sir Wolf:

Yeah, those moronic doctors! It was done with Gladii! Just ask the Gauls!

BTW, add me to the list of back problems. Had to quit basketball and track  :(
That's why I'm not the biggest fan of Cuirasses... Not enough flexroom to stretch it right....


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