Main > The Armoury

A Review: Scabbard and Belts - LeatherworksbySlayer

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Sir James A:
That's some sexy leather work

Sir Patrick:
That's beautiful, Sir William!  I can't believe it's the same sword/scabbard!

Sir William:
Thanks all...

Red, you're a totally different sword!  And it handles just as awesomely as it did - you know sometimes, when you start changing out furniture it can affect handling to a small degree.

He also freshened up a CMS I'd sent to him for another project- I'll post pics when I take some.

Sir Brian:
I wanted to comment and compliment on this post yesterday but I've seriously had my Mod_Chiv time imbinged by my work load with little end in sight...
Anyways the scabbard and belt looks fantastic! I hope I can someday soon actually own a blade worthy of such a housing. I may have to inquire with him about making one for me! :)

Sir William:
He'd be more than happy to do fact, after the knighting ceremony, I was going to sponsor him for membership in the Order...see if he can get past the Squire stage.  Since he's only 16, he can be patient and maybe wait a couple of years...he's in FL by the way so shipping back and forth's pretty swift.

I'm I wear this sword or the other to the knighting?  Guess it depends on the shield I bear...if I get the MRL Crusader one, then it'll be this sword as it hangs on the left hip which would correspond with that shield which is made for right handed swordsman exclusively.  If I must make do with what I already have well...then it'll be the other one.  :)


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