Main > The Round Table
Found in a random search for 'Brigandine'
Sir Wolf:
no not really. standards as i have known them are a 15thc thing. now if you get a bassinet you will need an aventail to attach to the bottom of the helmet. but if you want one to just look cool than thats different ;)
Sir William:
Oh, no standard in the 14th? One less thing I need worry about. Was considering the MRL bascinet...Ed and Brian said it was heavy but doable. Since I am not fighting, or rather, did not plan on it, it should serve just fine, no?
Sir Wolf:
that helm and aventail will work good for you. have you found one online? i thought they were no longer being carried by MRL
Sir Edward:
Yeah, it's half-way decent, so of course MRL had to stop carrying them. Otherwise they wouldn't be MRL. :)
Sir Wolf:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-06-21, 17:08:15 ---
Yeah, it's half-way decent, so of course MRL had to stop carrying them. Otherwise they wouldn't be MRL. :)
--- End quote ---
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