Main > The Courtyard

Armor doing what it does best - keeping people alive - but WOW!

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-05-10, 20:57:59 ---Been a lifelong dream it has...and thinking back to some of the crazy things I've done in the past, this won't raise too many eyebrows- at least, not amongst the members of my family.  Hell, they almost expect to hear it already.  lol

--- End quote ---

Here lies Sir William.
He was warned that he should not go,
but didn't survive that final blow.


Sir Wolf:

Sir James A:
I don't want to spoil the video by posting the comments, but look at the Youtube comments for Roderic's reply to "jesus what happened after?" ... eek!

Sir Patrick:
Walk it off! ;)

James Barker:
I don't know if you saw the replies from the high end jousters in the archive or not but they said this is really a rare occurrence among good riders:


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