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Help on Gothic Harness!

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Das Bill:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-05-23, 16:41:55 ---Isn't he the guy that makes a new set of armor for his son almost every year? since he was two?

--- End quote ---

You're thinking of Wade Allen.

Sir Brian:
Ah yes that's him! Thanks Bill!  :)

Joshua Santana:
I see that everyone is in full agreement with the Harness choice as well as armorer choice!

Now this idea just came to me, since i was earlier creating prototypes from Merc tailors, why not I create a full Kit from Merc tailor's with the Jousting Helmet from Ice Falcon!

The Kit would be for HEMA related purposes, as well a kit for other organizations that keep sending me the invites (SCA, Adrian Empire, Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia/Order of the Golden Lion)

So it would look like this:

(Now bear in mind that this is a Kit prototype)

So hence I would be ordering (with the monies) a Full Harness and a Full Kit!  Not bad eh?

If you've got the budget, go with Wasson. If he does the whole rig, it's flow together beautifully. Another thing to look out for is interchangability of parts. Some armours just aren't compatible because of sizing differences. It's not the armourer's fault either, just if you're dead set on multiple armourers, at least make sure they know what the designs are going to look like to accommodate them. (Especially if you've got fluting)

BTW, Man-at-arms = Knight. In period literature, they are interchangeable. Throw out the notion of a band of pantsless mercenaries running through the countrside with a muddied and bloodied half harness and a gauntlet strapped to their head.
Men-at-arms were the posh thing to be. A knight might be a foppish couch potato with a title, but a Man-at-arms... The title really says it all

Joshua Santana:
Sir Nathan: I thank you for your advice.  If I have the budget, I would go for it all the way.  But if worse does come to worse, I would resort with a Maximilian style harness where the suit would be Merc Tailors or Patrick Thaden.  But still thanks,  I like the title "Man at Arms" thanks to you!


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