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Help on Gothic Harness!

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Sir William:
Well said, Sir Nathan...and too true.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-05-19, 01:45:32 ---Since the most comprehensive sources seem to come from Germany, I'd go with the Gothic Myself.

Also, we're seeing lots of shiney bits, but I hope to God that you're assembling or already have appropriate things to wear under it.   ;)

 Even the best-made plate is gonna suck without a decent arming doublet.

--- End quote ---

Indeed, and the measurements for the plate armor should be done with the arming clothes on, or it won't fit properly.

Gothic tends to be more mobile, Italian tends to have better coverage (as a percentage) and thus weighs a bit more. It's very much personal preference, and remember, you don't have to only own one. ;)

Flos Duellatorum by Liberi was in early 15th century, and Gladiatoria (sp?) by Vaddi was in late 15th century, and both were Italian. They have longsword, polearm, dagger and unarmed bits in them. I definitely don't know much about differences between them, or about the details of the content, but german and italian swordsmanship seems very similar on the surface. I know Italian style moved more towards what is now fencing somewhere around or after the 16th century, if that helps any?

Sir Edward:

Oh yes, the Italian and German combat systems have much more in common than not. What you learn in one directly applies to the other. And in a way, you can consider them to just be different flavors of the same art.

Hey, Don't misinterpret me, there are quite a few Italian sources, and Sir Edward is spot-on in their similarities.
But German sources outnumber the Italian for longsword.
You also don't just have to go with one style strictly. German and Italy share a border, remember? I'm sure that there were plenty of folks sporting elements of both styles.

Sir Wolf:
shame all of the English armour is gone. from what i gather the style was a lot like Milanese export but had hard fluting. it was different than both German and Italian but had similarities to it. i think there are some churches in England where the style can be seen. Robert Macpherson showed me a reference once when i was in his shop picking up some armour with a friend. was really cool


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