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Help on Gothic Harness!

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Joshua Santana:
Sir James: I thank you for your input on this.  Yes Ia m aware that the look is more Italian than Gothic.  What I am trying to get a standard look that will closely resemble Gothic as possible.  I did message Allan on Facebook asking him if he and his team were capable of making a Gothic Suit this is his response:

"in the past we would take on single custom commisions to allow us to focus on our primary job of filling catalog orders. With the collapse of the economy we have been forced to change how we build and switch to a build to order ( Just In Time ) model ( over two years now ) which leaves us no meaningfull time to do this. All time goes to production ( we haven't had atime for R&D for new itmes in nearly a year and a half leaving 3/4 of a dozen new items sitting half done ). I'd like to be opptimistic and say that we'll be able to return to our previous manufacturing style but at this point I can't even beging to guess when/if that will be. Thanks very much for thinking of us however, its very much appreciated."

To clarify on a couple of points, the arm and leg harness is their 15th Century Arms and 15th/16th Century legs.  Also the idea also came from these pictures on

If I have to change the suit from Gothic to Italian style or even 16th century Maximilian style.  I would be fine, just means I would have to find other venues to make that possible.

If there are other Gothic Suits out there for consideration.  I know only a couple and I would like to see if these would satisfy the standard High Gothic Style

(KA 1.1)
(the German Gothic Armour)

I am aware that these are expensive, but i am working of means of income and payment method if I have no choice.

Sir William: You are most correct and that is what I am trying to achieve with the Merc Tailor harness and I do harken to the Gothic influence as the characteristic flutting, rolling and edging is not there.

Sir Edward:
I agree on the fluting. I wonder if Allan will add fluting to his standard pieces? I know he tries to avoid custom work (as noted above), but it might be worth asking. He's done some really minor custom work for us before, like adding spring-pins to my GDFB helmet.

I would definitely go with larger pauldrons too, rather than the simple spaulders. The spaulders were much more common earlier, such as in the 14th. By the time you get into the high gothic armors, larger pauldrons with fluting would have been common.

BTW, I edited the previous post to put the word "SCA" before a link so that the tooltip wouldn't break the URL.

Joshua Santana:
Sir Edward:  Thank you for the small adjustment!  I will try on asking Allan to see if he is willing to do the flutting on his standard pieces (only five, the pauldrons, the breastplate and backplate, arm harness and leg harness).  But if that isn't possible, I might do two things

1.  Find another armory that will have a good gothic suit (i am thinking of historic enterprises ro back to old illusion armoring)

2.  Or change the harness to a 16th Century/Maximilian Design by using Merc Tailors 16th Century Armor pieces and the helmet from either Therion Arms or Illusion Armoring (for either the Maximilian Armet or the Close Helm or Armet that Illusion has) if that helps with the "no flutting possible" scenario.

But I agree that i need to change the besegues to the pauldrons.  I thank you brethren for the suggestions.

But which pauldron though

this one?

or this one?

Joshua Santana:
A thought just came to me!

Since Sir James has mentioned my original harness prototype is more Italian than High Gothic, why not go with the Italian look!

Everything from the Gorget, Breast and Back plates, Arm Harness, Leg Harness and Greaves I can order from Merc Tailor
(a good thing)

The helmet is not an issue, there is a good Italian Armet that Illusion Armoring makes that is good looking

Also, on a personal thought tangent, the Italian look closely resembles the Armor worn by Martin the Warrior Mouse (Redwall Novel Series)

Yes I am aware that this is a mouse dressed in armor, but that a draw as to why Redwall is a good book to read and a classic for kids!

If this helps, please let me know!

Sir Edward:
You know, some of the Italian armors do look quite gorgeous. That's not a bad way to go. My biggest advice is of course to do what makes you happy, since you'll be the one wearing it. But factoring in cost and availability is always important too.

I've seen a similar armet up close, though I don't know who made it. Tom Leoni (VAF and Order of the Seven Hearts) has one, and is slowly building up an Italian harness. What he has so far looks great. I really like it.


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