Main > The Armoury

New Gambeson maybe?

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Sir Ulrich:
I could shorten the hauberk, Only reason I got a hauberk instead of a haubergeon was I wanted long sleeves and tailoring sleeves to taper is a pain. Thats the problem with American sold maille, plenty of European outfitters give more options and in America we don't get much of a choice. I saw long sleeved maille sold without thigh flaps on this one German site. In any case I'm going for padded chausses, just need to find someone who can tailor them to fit me.

Sir William:
If you need a tailor for fitment, I suggest going to your local dry cleaners...they usually have a seamstress on the premises (the better ones do) - bring in the chausses and have a trial fitting there so they can make their marks for alteration- I don't think it'll cost too much, either.

As for trimming the hauberk, I wouldn't- unless it is just too uncomfortable at its present length.  You can also create your own split - I laid my hauberk flat and just snipped the rings front side and backside while flat.  That way the split is directly centered when you're wearing the maille.  Just an idea.

Sir Ulrich:
Yeah I may do that, find a tailor and tailor both my surcoat and the padded chausses I get. Once I get more money that is...

The hauberk I have I think is already split, so that shouldn't be much of a problem. I'll know that once it arrives, which I been waiting for months already >_> I'm more concerned about the thigh flaps being too long, of course that could easily be solved and I'll recycle the maille that I cut off to make my maille sabatons, which I plan to wear over my boots, once I have the money I am going to buy these instead of chausses because I am doing the late 13th century early 14th century, but I think knee cops are more important. I got hit in the knee with a fake mace which really hurt more than anything, but I think the GDFB  padded chausses have a knee cops included, if thats sufficient enough I don't know but it's what I need. I'd get the metal ones just cause I'd rather have metal armor instead of leather.


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