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The Warrior's Path

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Sir Edward:

Another website I stumbled upon:


It appears to be a Christian-specific knighthood website.

Sir William:
I think it is a ministry that uses knighthood and accompanying terminology to 'awake the hero' as it states; I read some of their links, including 'A New Knighthood' which pretty much explains their reason for being.  Nothing wrong with it, but theirs is an Order of a different nature.

What flavor of christianity are they exposing?


Sir William:
If I had to guess, I'd say non-denominational...not enough blasphemy to be Catholic LOL.  Seriously, they're linked with a number of like-minded ministries, including the Texas Band of Brothers.  Obviously male-centric they're getting ready to hold a retreat, males only, something along the lines of bootcamp mixed with ministry, to get man back to God.

I remember religious retreats as a kid...the church youth group would take us up on a mountain (always one of those campgrounds w/tent areas as well as actual cabins) and we'd do all sorts of group-related activities.  It was fun...if only because I was as naive as they come when it came to worldly matters.  Knowing what I know now, I might've lost my faith much earlier.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---a ministry that uses knighthood and accompanying terminology to 'awake the hero' as it states; I read some of their links, including 'A New Knighthood' which pretty much explains their reason for being.  Nothing wrong with it, but theirs is an Order of a different nature.
--- End quote ---

I have seen ministries that use the warrior or knighthood themes and correlate it to Biblical Scripture.  Which is a good thing in my opinion.  I have read several blogs on their website and they make really good points!

--- Quote ---I'd say non-denominational...not enough blasphemy to be Catholic LOL
--- End quote ---
I agree that it is non-denominational. 

For being a Christian (Born Again for those who don't know), this speaks to a lot to the male youth who look up to heroism (Myself included)  this is a good thing. 

--- Quote ---theirs is an Order of a different nature
--- End quote ---

I agree, but the cause of raising young men into Knights or Warriors is a worthy cause by itself.  And we Knights here are the role models in which young men or individuals can look up to for guidance or inspiration.  That is the role in which the Knight of Today has in today's society apart from being the Champion of Chivalry, Protector in times of need and as mentioned before a Role Model and Mentor to society's youth.


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