Main > The Armoury

My Overhauled Kit

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Sir Brian:
Do you mean something like this?

Sir William:
Hey- that looks like the helm that Colin wore in Alexander...and I want something similar, but w/out the plumage...and I was thinking of a falling buff-style helm so the lion's mouth opens and closes.  And the lion's mane would be a little larger, almost like the image of Aslan (but I'm not trying to evoke him, mind you).

Wouldn't that be cool?  If I ever hit the lottery...or actually GET my tax returns back this year (the IRS is made up of THIEVES I tell you)!!!

Sir Brian:
Here is another, although it is made of leather and looks more wolfish IMO! ;)

Sir James A:
Wow, that mask is really trippy. The new kit looks great!

Sir William:
That does look more like a wolf but you got the gist of it...I kinda like that.  Where's it from?  Maybe I could strap that to a round helm (secret helm) or something.  It'd be a good deal cheaper than a hammered version. 


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