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Did the Knights Errant event today...

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They travel throughout the SCA West Kingdom so to my knowledge they have been all over Northern Nevada & California as well as parts of Alaska and once a few held a Knights Errant class when they happened to be in Australia (when it was part of the West). The would still have to get to Thailand and Japan to complete their journey through the West's lands.

It was started by Sir Gemini & Sir Mari after they got their dojo up and running. The Knights Errant are based in Turlock, CA and have a Facebook page (just like Modern Medieval does). They have talked to other Knights about starting a similar thing in their Kingdoms at such events as Estrella, Great Western War, & Pennsic but I have yet to hear of any other KE groups starting.

It's a great idea and I really hope other Kingdoms get their own KE groups going.



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