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Sir James A:
I got the LAST copy of "In Service of the Duke" from Talbot's guilt free book sale. I'm horrible at resisting "zomg only a few left!" type sales. :o

I'm looking forward to seeing what will be offered from the new, not Chivalry Bookshelf, publication group (I forgot the name).

Sir Rodney:
I noticed Talbot's note on AA.  Nice grab!

Sir Edward:
Congrats! It really is an awesome book.

Christian's new publisher is Freelance Academy Press:

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-04-14, 19:03:56 ---Congrats! It really is an awesome book.

Christian's new publisher is Freelance Academy Press:

--- End quote ---

Thanks, I'm looking forward to it.

That's exactly the link I was looking for. So much good stuff there. :D



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