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Chivalry, not all girls like it.

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-04-14, 07:48:54 ---
I would see the world burn before I would abide seeing a frown upon her fair countenance.

--- End quote ---

That about sums it up for me as well, Sir Brian.  For my wife, for my daughters- I would see the world burn before I would see them harmed.  As it should be, for those who are kept safe by the protection of your sword and body.

Joshua Santana:
Well Brethren, I will keep on going and won't loose that quality ever.  (that is a given)

I wholeheartedly agree that the woman who is worthy of my protection and love is the soul mate of a Knight of Chivalry.

--- Quote ---As it should be, for those who are kept safe by the protection of your sword and body.
--- End quote ---

I like that!  I thank you Sir William for that and I agree on that.

--- Quote ---Also sometimes the most difficult battle you will incur on her behave will be with your wroth at those who are rude, unkind or petty and malicious to her.
--- End quote ---

Yep, I face that kind of women every day and fight the same battles that Sir Brian graciously described.     

"Even if it means taking the fatal stroke for her, the heart piercing arrow/bolt, the silent death of the rondel dagger.  It would be worth it all, as long as she lives safe from harm and tells my story, I have fulfilled my Quest, I have fulfilled my Destiny."

That is what I would say to anyone who asks me on why am I a "hopeless romantic," on top of that I don't consider myself to be "hopeless," I say I am a "hopefull, Chivalrous Romantic."

Ah, I have been much blessed, for the Lord hath alotted me a small share in his true glory, as a maiden, whom of exceeding beauty and virtue, hath become mine lady, and I her knight unto death.

But really, I think of all those dramatic sufferings of death for one's lady to be almost easy. To truly think, it would be almost an opportunity to go out in true knightly style. I think it's the little things in today's world that will show unto one's chivalry.
But do not misinterpret me, I would gladly hand over my life to spare my lady.

Sir Ulrich:
I don't even wanna get into this subject.... But I'll never waste my chivalry and love on a woman who doesn't appreciate it. My morals are to respect others who respect me and not to waste my time on people who don't respect me.

Joshua Santana:
Sir Nathan: You make an excellent point!  I agree that small deeds have the greater value as great deeds. 

Sir Ulrich: I understand you and I happen to agree with you. 


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