Main > The Courtyard
Anyone trained using Fighting At The Barrier?
In have found over the years that Fighting At The Barrier to be quite fun. There are so many variations that one could easily do a full day of a Tourney on just the Barrier.
And... It's Period.
Has anyone, besides myself, fought at the barrier or at a Pas d'Armes?
Would you be interested in adding this to your training, sparring, or tourney regime?
For more info see here:
SCA Pas d'Armes, fighting at the Barrier:
Period Picture of tourney Barrier Fight during Siege:
(Note: I tried to find a pic of a LH group doing it but my google skills failed me.
Sir Wolf:
doesn't Sir Christian Tobler do barrier?
Sir Rodney:
Once, many years ago at a tournament. I didn't fare well. :(
A specific skill set is needed. You can not circle and half (or more) of your shots are eliminated or restricted by the barrier. On the other hand, the need for speed and accuracy are greatly increased as well as the ability to flow smoothly from block to strike in one fluid motion. It really takes a great deal of skill, I may have to try it again soon!
Sir William:
Looks like fun!
Sir James A:
I haven't, but it looks fun. It's interesting to see some of the period suits. People would walk around in full plate from the waist/thighs up to their helmet - and in nothing else but hose/pants and shoes. It looks like a storybook for kids called "the knight who forgot his pants" - I don't think it exists, but if it did, that's exactly what I picture.
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