Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

A Knight's Tour


Sir Edward:
It's funny what you can come up with when googling for things like "knight's journey" or anything involving knights and games.

This one involves chess. I think if I went on this sort of journey, I'd get dizzy.


Sir Ancelyn:
Gah!  :o

Dizzy does not even begin to cover that.  :)

Sir William:
The knight's an excellent piece for tactical ambush...of them all, I favor this one's moveset.  Almost like charging sidelong and hitting at an angle.  That's quite the collection of moves though...can't recall ever seeing the knight move around THAT much.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, it's an interesting puzzle, coming up with a path that takes the knight through every square on the board exactly once. There are multiple solutions, of course, depending on where the knight starts on the board, etc.


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