Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
The Virtues of Ultima
Sir Edward:
The Ultima that was truly ground-breaking was Ultima IV, in which the main character becomes the Avatar at the end. You simply couldn't complete the game if you committed too many crimes against the virtues. After that, most of the games had more mild ramifications, but they were still constant reminders.
In Ultima VII for instance, you could eventually drive your companions away. They'd quit from your party if they witnessed you steal too many items. In some of the cities, the guards could be called on you if the shopkeepers witnessed it. So there were consequences.
Unfortunately I can't really say what they did in VIII and IX, since I didn't have the patience to get very far into them.
Sir William:
Sir James, I am an avid fan of the AC series...although I must confess I've not played Brotherhood yet. The series took a turn that I don't normally go in for (although Fable 3 did a similar thing and I kinda liked it)...that and COD: Black Ops hogged nearly ALL of my time for a long while there....I blame my friends for that somewhat- one of them, it was my fault he got involved but then HE got all HIS friends involved and that was that as they say.
Sir Edward, what was the guard presence like in Ultima? Were they beatable or were you forced to deal with them? I ask because a similar system is in place in ES: Oblivion (anyone waiting on Skyrim like me?) - the one thing I hated was that as soon as you committed a crime, the town guard was immediately notified if someone saw you do it. I mean immediate- the witness could not have had time to make the report but here came the guards!
I would at times engage them but that's not advisable until you've leveled up enough to be a match for them- even then it is like fighting a boss and God forbid you should run afoul of more than one of them! LOL
Unlike in Assassin's Creed where you could kill all the guardsmen you wanted, they'd keep coming, but you could keep killing. In AC1, I managed about 30 bodies before they stopped spawning...good times.
Sir Edward:
You know, it's been a while, so I'm not 100% sure. I think they were beatable later in the game, but certainly not early on.
Joshua Santana:
Though I am not a computer game player.
But the virtues of Ultima definitely sound very similar to the Code of Chivalry.
That is a good thing!
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-04-13, 02:28:37 ---
You know, it's been a while, so I'm not 100% sure. I think they were beatable later in the game, but certainly not early on.
--- End quote ---
I always ran and crossed my fingers, although I never even found any companions, so I must have been REALLY not far, but I do know I managed to get my sword skill and strength reasonably high and combat wasn't overly difficult at that point.
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