Main > The Round Table


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Sir William:
Damn, I'd wondered who'd said that...figures I got it from a movie.  lol

Sir James A:
Ah, I also want to mention, my quote is not directed towards any specific side or group in the article - it's just a blanket statement for the "my religion is better than yours, and I'll kill you to prove it" types. :)

James Barker:
The worst part is the rest of America told him yeah we know they are crazy over there so don't provoke them; yet he went ahead and now people are dead. I would love to see him face the families of those killed and explain to them what the value in his actions were.

Way to stay classy Mr. Jones.

Sir Edward:

The good news is that it drove away nearly all of his parishioners.

Sir William:
I suppose that's good news...300 folks looking for a new fool to follow.


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