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I.33 Training @ MASHS!

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Sir Brian:
Well when I originally posted this the instructor in question held classes for I:33 for about four months, then injured himself and it died out. BUT since I loaned my I:33 manual to Larry and several other students have expressed an interest to the point of doing a group purchase with me for Allen’s bucklers, Larry announced yesterday that he will be developing a curriculum for I:33 to start in late September/October!

So my gentle ‘nudging’ paid off and saves me from the daunting task of developing a curriculum, because Larry can do a far better job of it than I ever could! :)

Sir James A:

Sir Vander Linde:
That sounds awesome.

IDK if it will help or is useful but when I was looking at I.33 material I used Marozzo's material and notations about Bolognese swordsmanship with buckler to fill in some of the blanks.

B. Patricius:
man! I am so jealous of you guys right now!

--- Quote from: Sir Vander Linde on 2013-08-05, 21:02:57 ---That sounds awesome.

IDK if it will help or is useful but when I was looking at I.33 material I used Marozzo's material and notations about Bolognese swordsmanship with buckler to fill in some of the blanks.

--- End quote ---

you know, I never thought of that, even with my own studies.  Nice idea.  I'm going to have to look into that this weekend!


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