Main => The Campaign => Topic started by: Sir Edward on 2010-11-04, 17:54:52

Title: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-11-04, 17:54:52
Another "live steel" knightly combat group: (

They reference The Medieval Combat Society in England as a source for their combat system. They mention pulled blows and carefully chosen angles in fully-telegraphed moves. Sounds sort of like improvisational stage combat.

No idea where they're located.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir William on 2010-11-04, 19:53:29
I can't even see it...just as well.  Don't even know where they are so they can't really tell us, can they?  lol
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-11-05, 01:44:44

always look at the events page
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir James A on 2010-11-05, 03:59:19
Dale City, VA, per the contact us page
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Ancelyn on 2010-11-05, 12:14:51
Dale city is a very short trip from my home, closer than VAF. Maybee I should look into it next saturday (very VERY busy tomorrow).
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-11-05, 12:18:47
they came to MTT (a public viewed living history event) and well weren't received very well by the reenactors. mainly for their not being of any period, but gross exaggerations it would seem on history. I never got to talk to them but reminded me of a SCA lite group that used swords.  I'm sure they were nice people, just weren't expected at a living history encampment. they are no longer there
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir William on 2010-11-05, 13:08:20
I hate to hear that...stinks of elitism.  I understand the concept of the living history events, but there's no call to ostracize someone because they don't fit in with your ruleset.  Dale City's a little hump for me but I could do it...might be fun, who knows? 

Sir Ancelyn, let us know your findings.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-11-05, 14:18:00
Well, Living History is about being as close to accurate as possible, so when a group that has different goals tries to participate, I can see where the conflict is. Neither group is "wrong"; there's simply a different emphasis.

I just don't like to see inaccuracies depicted as historical truth.

Most groups outside of Living History, including the SCA, will overlook a lot as long as it has a "medieval look". But there will always be accuracy-nazis to be found.

Anyway, since these guys are relatively local, it's always possible we'll run into some of them at an event or something. Might have to keep our eyes open.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir William on 2010-11-05, 14:23:39
While I do understand the need for historical accuracy in certain areas, no one walking this earth today can say definitively what is 100% right or wrong- how could we know?  If history has taught us anything, is that it is rife w/innacuracies- even now.  I'm not crapping on anyone, mind you, I just hate nazi's of any ilk I guess.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-11-05, 14:55:02
ya, but events like MTA and MTT are the elite of elite living history groups. they WANT and STRIVE to be 100% right. and that's what the event is for. at MTA in Jamestown we are judged for everything: camp, clothing, cooking and public demonstration. so when theres a not so period group it's off, know what i mean? i mean every group has its place and purpose and i bet they do have fun, but at a LH event that wasn't the place.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir William on 2010-11-05, 14:55:49
I get it.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Ancelyn on 2011-03-19, 13:08:43
Okay, I know I am late on this assignment. I spoke with Michelle via phone this morning. Their group gets together in Dale City every saturday once the weather improves and they practice between 10 and 4, though mostly between 2 and 4. Their emphasis is definitely on stagge combat, but it is a system derived from England rather than America. Not sure if that makes a difference or not. Since my main interest is historical swordsmanship I will keep studying with VAF for now, but it could be fun to visit SOC.

I believe they mostly visit renfaire type events based on their website. If they do the more elite events it was not mentioned specifically. I'll be going next week after class so I expect to get there around 3 ish. Anyone else want to come?
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir William on 2011-03-21, 13:35:35
When's your class, Sir Ancelyn?
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Ancelyn on 2011-03-21, 15:35:44
The class is in Fairfax near 495 and runs from 1-2 PM. I hope to get to Dale city not much later than 3:00.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir William on 2011-03-21, 15:45:51
Saturdays?  I might be available Sat afternoon.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Ancelyn on 2011-03-26, 13:20:26
Looks like this weekend is no good for outdoor stuff. I'll just stop by and say hello today.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Ancelyn on 2011-03-26, 23:30:16
Here is my promised report. The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry is a small but dedicated group of who demonstrate a particular style of English performance swordsmanship.  It is telegraphed style rather than choreographed to allow for a more spontaneous performance. Also if one of the members is off their game or just keeps being hit they can switch the winner and loser and move along. Aside from helmets which they buy already made they make their own armor from 18 gauge steel and their harness is typically 100 lbs or a bit more. The group was just starting practice after a long winter hiatus and was happy to have visitors and possibly new blood. I think there are about 8 members, maybe a few more. They make use of a number of different lengths and styles, two swords at once being a favorite of several members. Their longsword demonstration is what they use to draw a crowd as the steel they use, not stainless, rings like bells in a Christmas concert when they are doing it right. Besides armoring they also make clothes, furniture, and are even planning to make a “wagon wheel” tent.  I was impressed with their enthusiasm and skill in their style, although I am not sure if it is right for me as I am learning a completely different style of swordsmanship. So they are definitely worth a visit, but call ahead first if you want to drop in.

Pax Exunt!
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-03-28, 18:32:10
Most of that sounds good, but I'm confused how an 18 gauge steel harness can be 100 lbs. I would say italian/english style would be along the lines of 70-80 lbs, and gothic style might be as low as 60 lbs. They sound extremely handy in being able to fabricate such a wide array of things - I wish I had half that skill set.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-03-28, 18:39:31

I noticed that too. It would take a an awful lot of armor to add up to 100 lbs with only 18g steel. My plate kit is about 50 lbs (without the helm) and is mostly 16g, and I'm really only missing the greaves and sabatons.
Title: Re: The Knights of the Swords of Chivalry
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-04-01, 18:14:14
glad u at least tried :)

come to MTT in two weeks!!