Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-10-13, 20:40:54

Title: Fine helmets
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-10-13, 20:40:54
Wish I had the money to afford something so finely crafted. The kettle helm with the face guard looks very awesome. Never seen something like that before.
Title: Re: Fine helmets
Post by: Sir William on 2010-10-13, 20:47:29
Conall, that was cruel, very cruel.  I've never seen such a pristine helm- hmm...let me think on this, I smell a topic brewing!
Title: Re: Fine helmets
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2010-10-13, 21:31:37
Current one I got is kinda dull yet people still like it. Perfect for the "common foot soldier" I suppose. It is thicker than most 18 gauge stuff but I doubt it could reliable in combat. It's still better than the stuff I found at this armor and weapons shop.
Title: Re: Fine helmets
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-10-13, 22:58:07
wow nice find!
Title: Re: Fine helmets
Post by: Sir Patrick on 2010-10-14, 12:34:58
Drooling on my keyboard!
Title: Re: Fine helmets
Post by: Sir William on 2010-10-14, 13:56:06
Current one I got is kinda dull yet people still like it. Perfect for the "common foot soldier" I suppose. It is thicker than most 18 gauge stuff but I doubt it could reliable in combat. It's still better than the stuff I found at this armor and weapons shop.

Yea, you know what's funny- you don't see many of the common foot soldiery about; that in itself makes you the commodity amongst the other knights and pirates that normally frequent the faire!  I actually like the helm you have there- jaunty, you know?
Title: Re: Fine helmets
Post by: Sir Matthew on 2010-10-15, 01:27:31
   I like that kettle helm too. I wear one from time to time with a butted, blackened mail coif. I'm kinda in the process of changing up my kits a bit, so it looks like I'm going to be using that head gear in conjunction with a late 14th and early 15th century hand gonner personaes  I'm going to be working on. My current Faire helmet has been a Morion, though when my Cabasset is finished being strapped, I'll probably try that out too. You don't see many people wearing kettle helms, so that is why I really like them.
Title: Re: Fine helmets
Post by: Sir William on 2010-10-15, 14:57:29
I think, if I do not acquire Sir Brian's falling buff sugarloaf, I will get this one:

I have a thing for Barbuta, and with a visor means multi-kit applications! 
Title: Re: Fine helmets
Post by: Sir Brian on 2010-10-15, 16:24:49
I'm liking that one as well as a lot of other items on that site!  :)

I think, if I do not acquire Sir Brian's falling buff sugarloaf
Speaking of which did you wish for me to bring that helm tomorrow and if yes would you like me to remove and clean up the residue of my improvised visor retainer?
Title: Re: Fine helmets
Post by: Sir William on 2010-10-15, 19:38:45
You could bring it if you like, or take pictures- either will work for me.  I'd rather you didn't have to lug that thing around with you- that way, I'll not need to make a decision at that moment.  Later on, if I decide to go ahead and get it, we can just figure something out.  PayPal works, and I would pay for shipping of course.

See you guys tomorrow!!!