Miscellaneous => The Sallyport => Topic started by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-18, 21:47:32

Title: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-18, 21:47:32
sir edward, how do i find you?
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-19, 02:09:17
can't seem to get my email verified. it says it sent it but nothings showing up
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-19, 03:47:23
Dunno. I think they've expanded the user base several times, to widen the test.

Overall I'm enjoying the game, but probably won't keep playing beyond the current test phase. I'm a little too beholden to it, since you really need to log in two or more times per day (though sometimes those logins only need to be 5 or 10 minutes), otherwise you can have problems. You need to start repairs as soon after an attack as possible, and make sure your village doesn't run out of food, or overflow their storage space, etc. I can't leave it alone over a weekend. Arg.
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-19, 03:48:10
sir edward, how do i find you?

I'm in Llyne Brianne in Wales.
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-26, 22:51:49
great i see you. trying to learn the ropes. i am just east of builth wells
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-27, 01:22:01
Cool, let me know if you need anything. I'm just donating or selling most of the excess resources and weapons I'm making right now. Though this week I'll probably make a 4th village, and I'll be strapped for resources til I have it built up a bit.

Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-27, 01:36:58
its very slow for me, no peoples heehe. does the resource education thing stop? i did a few things but can't improve for some reason
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-27, 01:46:28
People come into the village faster when your happiness is higher. A cheap trick you can use, is to decrease the tax rate all the way into the best possible bribe, and guys will come in really fast. Do this about 30 seconds before the next guy, and if you get it high enough, you might get like 3 or 4 guys at once. Then set it back right after. :)

Tip: Make sure to train up Arts, Decoration, and Entertainment as high as you can at all times. It's essentially free honor.

You get 3 research points to spend on skills/research/etc every time you level up. You can also spend gold on them, but if you plan on doing that a lot, in the long run it's good to train up philosophy to make the research points cheaper. I haven't done this yet, since I bought RP to the point where the next one will cost over 4k gold, and haven't taken the time to train this skill yet.

I can send over some wood or stone or something if it'll help ya get going.

Also be sure to train up the food types so you don't have to build as many farm buildings.
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-27, 01:49:59
Oh, another tip. Try to as quickly as you can, get to the point where you generate enough food to give your guys x4 rations. You'll need it when that +50 newbie bonus goes away. And... make sure the food types you're making are relatively balanced. If you have 4 types of food (for instance: apples, meat, wheat, and cheese), if each one of them generates more than 1/4 of the total food consumed, then you get a huge happiness bonus for having them eating 4 types of food. With 3 types, they each need to generate more than 1/3 of the food consumed, etc. The more the better.

EDIT: Just sent you 5k each of wood and stone. It'll get there in a while.

Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-27, 10:00:48
thanks, how the heck do u lvl up though?
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-27, 13:29:44

By earning honor points. You gain honor mostly by a multiplier of your village's happiness, and another number which is a sum of your arts, decorations, churches,  etc. You also get a bonus when you successfully defend against an attack (and there are computer controlled bad guys that will attack before long). On the right side, you'll see an honor-per-day number displayed at the bottom of the right-hand area. Clicking on it will bring up a breakdown of how it's calculated.
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-28, 22:48:44
sigh i dunno about this game. maybe I'm dumb hehehe.

i can't get it to lvl up any. :( how long does it usually take? i can't build anything more cause it costs a fortune and i don't have the stone wall or archers available to me.
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-28, 23:25:28

Yep, it takes time. Everything scales exponentially in cost, so you have to sort of gradually build things up. You need to keep the happiness high in the village, but also use research to get arts and decorations going so that the happiness actually multiplies against something to gain honor. First few levels are pretty easy. Sell extra food and materials to buy a few research points too. Archers will take some time. Just get some wood walls and peasants out there for now.
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-29, 03:24:53
i'm still at idiot hehe figures. hehe
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-29, 03:35:08
ug your kidding me. i didn't know i had to click on the name (villiage idiot) and it moved me up to the next tear. I'm a lvl 7 now DOH!
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-29, 13:05:53
ug your kidding me. i didn't know i had to click on the name (villiage idiot) and it moved me up to the next tear. I'm a lvl 7 now DOH!

lol! Hahah, I didn't think I had to mention that, but yes.... lol, so now you have a bunch of research points to spend too then. :)
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-30, 02:52:59
ack ran out of wood! hehehe
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-10-02, 01:38:03
how do i get my guardhouse larger to hold more people?
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-10-02, 03:19:15

You have to build more of them. The guard houses always add 10 to the amount of troops you can have in the castle. Upgrades to them only make them more durable, so you have to build a whole bunch of them.
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-10-03, 13:38:23
ahhhhhhhhh heheh keep being attacked hehehe. oh no my castle! hahaha.

is it supposed to have music? or no?
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-10-04, 01:34:51
No sound in it currently, no.
Title: Re: stronghold kingdoms
Post by: Sir Brian on 2010-10-04, 11:45:24
I recommend listening to the KOH and Excalibur movie soundtracks while playing to help set the mood!  ;)