Main => The Library => Topic started by: Sir Wolf on 2010-04-23, 13:45:44

Title: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-04-23, 13:45:44
anyone have an actual library set up in their home? pictures? plans to do so in the future?
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Brian on 2010-04-23, 14:10:25
My "library" consists of the top shelf in our walk-in closet which is rapidly shrinking due to my wife's and my own expanding renfaire garb!  ;)
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-04-23, 16:27:42

I have books scattered around the house, most of which are in a bookcase or the "library stand" that looks more like a podium. So not really a "library" as such.
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Dragonlover on 2010-04-24, 00:22:57
My wife and I have a library which goes throughout the house. You can't go into a room without shelves of reference, text, or fantasy and/ or suspense novels....with the occasional Calvin & Hobbes thrown in.... ;)
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2010-04-25, 17:09:54
Much to the wifes displeasure I have far too many medieval themed books, most of which I might add are from second hand book shops  :D
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: tristam on 2010-04-26, 18:11:56
Once we finally get the new house squared away(if ever), our guest room is going to double as the library.  We have a recliner and a sleeper sofa in there as well as a several bookshelves.  It will mostly have our pleasure reading books up there, novels, biographies, WMA books, and my wife's eclectic collection of semientertaining engineering and business books.  Textbooks and notes from college and what not will be in a bookshelf in the basement as they are rarely perused.  The library will hopefully be a comfortable, pleasant place to crack open a book.  First things first, the pink paint has got to go!
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-16, 20:43:53
Not yet...but our plan is, when we buy our next house, is to build up a library.  I have books everywhere, stashed in suitcases, wooden boxes, bookshelves, nightstands...they're everywhere.  One day.
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-16, 23:57:53
Not yet...but our plan is, when we buy our next house, is to build up a library.  I have books everywhere, stashed in suitcases, wooden boxes, bookshelves, nightstands...they're everywhere.  One day.

Yep, me too. My house is full of books I've never read (sadly). But the armor and weapons are what I'd really like to display properly. I need an armory room.
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-17, 12:19:39
hahaha ya we're all in the same boat. I am currently helping a friend turn a little unusable room into a family library/media center. he did have a space designed for his suit of armour, but that got nixed cause he needed the book space. buts it's cool cause he NEEDED the book space hehehe. it's gonna be nice, he's designed it all out with trim on the fronts etc. every section though has to be custom due to the floor was poured at an angle in case of water etc (ug that takes lots of time) plus the room has 2 slanted walls making that multiple cuts for each shelf. I'll get pictures when its done. we're about 1/3 of the way done the shelves and he's about out of wood.
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-17, 14:03:06

Man, when we get a new house, we might have to hire you to come out and help us make the place nice. :)
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2010-09-17, 14:05:21
sure, u just have to baby sit ;) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA which is worse? you watching the kids or the kids watching you? hahahha jkjkjk

sure. I'll help you out man, its not hard. design is everything. wishing we could have made some hidden compartments and such in Sir Ace's room, but there wasn't any real place to do it.
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-17, 17:40:28

If I could build my dream house (castle), I'd have a hinged bookcase that hides the armory's entrance. That would be cool.
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-17, 18:31:27
Not yet...but our plan is, when we buy our next house, is to build up a library.  I have books everywhere, stashed in suitcases, wooden boxes, bookshelves, nightstands...they're everywhere.  One day.

Yep, me too. My house is full of books I've never read (sadly). But the armor and weapons are what I'd really like to display properly. I need an armory room.

I WISH I had that many books I haven't, these hundreds have already been read, usually more than once.  In some cases, dozens of times (like LOTR for instance).  I like the idea of a hinged  bookcase although I'd probably just use that as a secret entrance.  To what, I dunno...just seems cool.  lol
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-17, 18:42:45

Yeah, most of my books are unread. I buy them, but I find it almost impossible to work up the motivation to just sit down and read. I'm too easily distracted and read slowly.

The secret entrance to the armory is what I've been keeping in mind, but I'd consider even less practical options. For instance, when I moved into my current house, they left a spare door sitting in the garage, and my plan (though I never actually did it) was to install it into a random wall in the house somewhere, and put faux brick behind it. So you can open this door that leads to nowhere. :)
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-17, 19:37:19

Oh that'd be classic, especially with kids!  You tell'm its the entrance to Narnia or something like that, and you have to be really, really good, really, really special in order to gain admittance.  Here's the trick- they have to wait until the door deems them worthy of entering, so they just have to stay there and keep checking until they're allowed through!

I know that's mean, but hey...we gotta mess w/them on occasion, don't we?  ;)

OR, even better, you could say it is the entrance to the new in-law suite of the house!  I think I'd do something like that.  lol
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir Edward on 2010-09-17, 20:05:50

OR, even better, you could say it is the entrance to the new in-law suite of the house!  I think I'd do something like that.  lol

Or it's the entrance to the complaint department. :)
Title: Re: since this is a library forum
Post by: Sir William on 2010-09-17, 20:41:19
Yea, that'd work too.  lol

I like it better than that stupid grenade I always see for the complaints dept.