Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Sir Humphrey on 2014-04-10, 01:24:40

Title: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir Humphrey on 2014-04-10, 01:24:40
I have a bare Albion Poitier blade coming from another fellow.  I need a pommel and guard to go on it.   Albion will not sell components.  Medieval fight club sell a cheaps pommels and guards and I have requested a quote on a set from Ernie at Yeshua.

Are there any other source for parts that this crew knows of?  Anyone have appropriate parts They are looking to sell?  Thanks!

Sir Humphrey
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir Rodney on 2014-04-10, 03:12:48
I took a quick look at Albion’s “moat sale” section and didn’t see anything that would be useable.  Try advertising on AA (if you haven’t already). 
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2014-04-10, 07:24:12 (
You can try these people, they do it rather good. I saw some custom albion type blades they made on Facebook. I plan to eventually get one by them once I get a free type XII blade to make an exact replica of the sword I want.
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir James A on 2014-04-10, 14:33:56
There were a few bits for sale on myArmoury, but I checked and they were already sold.

For a pommel and guard, maybe check with Wesley Chambers on the DoK Book of Faces group? He's the resident blacksmith, though I don't know if he's done sword bits.
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir Brian on 2014-04-11, 11:39:39
I had a similar problem when I worked on reconstituting a sword that was sort of a family heirloom from my in-laws. The blade had patina rust but was otherwise in good shape and still flexible. It needed a grip, a hand guard and more appropriate pommel that I found online but as I recall they didn’t carry parts for medieval swords.

Still you could purchase a cheap wall hanger that has the kind of crossguard and pommel you like and cannibalize it for your Albion blade. ;)
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2014-04-16, 14:53:59
albion used to have a ton of extras, but i see they sold them all.
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir William on 2014-04-16, 20:17:23
What's the width on that Poitiers?  I have a cross guard from an A&A St Maurice that used to be part of a sword compilation that I later changed up and sold, but kept the cross guard.  Ideally it'd be suitable for a blade up to 1.75" in width.
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir Humphrey on 2014-04-22, 02:55:34
Sir William,

Attached is a graphic of the tang measurements. Let me know if there are any possibilities on your cross guard.

Sir Humphrey
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir Nate on 2014-04-23, 20:04:42
I wish the tang on my blade looked that nice.
Curse you 75 Buck last on shelve!!!!
I should have known!!!
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir Humphrey on 2014-04-30, 16:48:27
I've bitten the bullet and ordered an appropriate cross and pommel from Ernie at  Expensive, but will be worth it in the long run.

Sir Humphrey
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir William on 2014-05-01, 15:29:38
Apologies Sir Humphrey, I didn't see this before today.  I've not seen Ernie's work but a matched set never hurts.
Title: Re: Source for pommel and cross guard?
Post by: Sir Rodney on 2014-05-20, 02:55:15
Check out this post on myArmory:

For Trade: bare blade and various hilt components (