Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Sir Humphrey on 2014-04-10, 01:24:40
I have a bare Albion Poitier blade coming from another fellow. I need a pommel and guard to go on it. Albion will not sell components. Medieval fight club sell a cheaps pommels and guards and I have requested a quote on a set from Ernie at Yeshua.
Are there any other source for parts that this crew knows of? Anyone have appropriate parts They are looking to sell? Thanks!
Sir Humphrey
I took a quick look at Albion’s “moat sale” section and didn’t see anything that would be useable. Try advertising on AA (if you haven’t already).
- (
You can try these people, they do it rather good. I saw some custom albion type blades they made on Facebook. I plan to eventually get one by them once I get a free type XII blade to make an exact replica of the sword I want.
There were a few bits for sale on myArmoury, but I checked and they were already sold.
For a pommel and guard, maybe check with Wesley Chambers on the DoK Book of Faces group? He's the resident blacksmith, though I don't know if he's done sword bits.
I had a similar problem when I worked on reconstituting a sword that was sort of a family heirloom from my in-laws. The blade had patina rust but was otherwise in good shape and still flexible. It needed a grip, a hand guard and more appropriate pommel that I found online but as I recall they didn’t carry parts for medieval swords.
Still you could purchase a cheap wall hanger that has the kind of crossguard and pommel you like and cannibalize it for your Albion blade. ;)
albion used to have a ton of extras, but i see they sold them all.
What's the width on that Poitiers? I have a cross guard from an A&A St Maurice that used to be part of a sword compilation that I later changed up and sold, but kept the cross guard. Ideally it'd be suitable for a blade up to 1.75" in width.
Sir William,
Attached is a graphic of the tang measurements. Let me know if there are any possibilities on your cross guard.
Sir Humphrey
I wish the tang on my blade looked that nice.
Curse you 75 Buck last on shelve!!!!
I should have known!!!
I've bitten the bullet and ordered an appropriate cross and pommel from Ernie at Expensive, but will be worth it in the long run.
Sir Humphrey
Apologies Sir Humphrey, I didn't see this before today. I've not seen Ernie's work but a matched set never hurts.
Check out this post on myArmory:
For Trade: bare blade and various hilt components (