Main => The Campaign => Topic started by: Sir Edward on 2014-01-27, 16:15:02
It looks like registration was opened for DoK 2014: (
Oh no! That's my kids' birthday weekend! Mmmmm, if I can convince the lady wife, we could all make a road trip and check it out as part of the general public. No armour, but then I would still get to meet you guys.
Oh no! That's my kids' birthday weekend! Mmmmm, if I can convince the lady wife, we could all make a road trip and check it out as part of the general public. No armour, but then I would still get to meet you guys.
Well, that would certainly work too!
Does anybody know what the "Register no later than ____" date usually is? I couldn't find one. I know it's better to register sooner than later, but it is just way too early to tell if I'd be able make it. :-\
I don't think they have a hard cut-off. I think you can register as late as a week or two before, but of course that doesn't help them plan for space/food/water/etc.
But I think they're also OK with people registering and canceling later.
I don't think they have a hard cut-off. I think you can register as late as a week or two before, but of course that doesn't help them plan for space/food/water/etc.
But I think they're also OK with people registering and canceling later.
Yes, it's much preferred that you register early and if things come up, cancel later. The opposite makes planning frustrating and difficult. This is super early, but I wouldn't wait until September 20th to register. Give us a good month or two in advance to allow for proper planning for things like the feast and space allocations.
I don't think they have a hard cut-off. I think you can register as late as a week or two before, but of course that doesn't help them plan for space/food/water/etc.
But I think they're also OK with people registering and canceling later.
Yes, it's much preferred that you register early and if things come up, cancel later. The opposite makes planning frustrating and difficult. This is super early, but I wouldn't wait until September 20th to register. Give us a good month or two in advance to allow for proper planning for things like the feast and space allocations.
Okay, cool. Thanks guys. Yeah, I wouldn’t want to wait until last minute. People with swords aren’t the kind of folks you want to have mad at you. ;) I was thinking more like late spring/early summer.
I am gonna be trying to go, gonna try to bring my friend Elliot along too as he's basically well off for it as well. Considering he's going as a Polish knight and me as a German one we could make a pretty good pair for a demo or whatever. I still have no clue what I will be doing for tents because I don't have enough room in the car for my own honestly. If anyones willing to help me with that similar to how John Kronberg did last year I would be thankful.
while i would love to go, it's gonna have to be a wait and see kinda thing
Doesn't look promising for me to make it this year. That's during the run of PaRF and one of our most dependable pikemen has just let us know he's got some personal issues that will prevent him from turning out with us this season. If we can find another replacement, maybe, but that ain't easy....
Unles my day jobs gets in the way of things, I'll be there with my fair lady.
Unles my day jobs gets in the way of things, I'll be there with my fair lady.
ditto, + a toddler :)
Preregistered. Should we get some kind of confirmation or e-mail?
Preregistered. Should we get some kind of confirmation or e-mail?
I asked the same thing, and Nicky Hughes said he received my registration. So it looks like it's just a silent submission currently, and no confirmation.
Have fun everyone that will be attending!
My lady and I will be somewhere tropical! :)
Have fun everyone that will be attending!
My lady and I will be somewhere tropical! :)
If I bring some blow-up palm trees and some sand, do you think we could convince your lady to go to DoK? :D
Have fun everyone that will be attending!
My lady and I will be somewhere tropical! :)
If I bring some blow-up palm trees and some sand, do you think we could convince your lady to go to DoK? :D
Well that would probably fool me but not milady…she’s the brains of relationship after all. ;)
Still not received any registration confirmation - should I be concerned or contact Mr. Hughes?
Still not received any registration confirmation - should I be concerned or contact Mr. Hughes?
There are no automatic confirmations generated by form submission on his site, so no you won't get one. If you're worried about it you can contact Nicky, he'll be happy to verify I'm sure.
OK thx
Days of Knights III is only three months away. It will really be here before you know it! Now is the time to start solidifying plans if you intend to be there. I don't know who's planning on going and how you plan on camping etc, but now is certainly the time to start getting smart on all the logistics and planning.
For those that will be new to DoK and you want to camp in the timeline, the typical layout is in chronological order. If I recall correctly from DoK 1 and 2 the major chronological groupings were Vikings/Saxons, Normans, Crusaders, Hundred Years War era, Wars of the Roses era, and Landsknecht era. That is not to say you're impression needs to fit in to one of those cultures or specific groups, it's just a convenient way to break up the timeline.
Modern camping stuff is allowed as long as it's completely out of the public view during public hours. The last time DoK was held in Frankfort there was a designated area for modern tents if you want to go that way. There are also plenty of local accommodations available in Frankfort near the site if you don't want to camp at all.
I'd like to field any questions newcomers have about the event that they want to get cleared up before you're out of time, so please ask. DoK is a great event for newcomers to Living History who may have dabbled in other things medieval that want to try the historical approach to impressions. It's not super strict like some groups, but obviously you will be expected to show up with a certain level of historical knowledge and your kit should be within DoK standards ( ( Many people just do soft-kit impressions (another excellent way to get started in LH without the financial commitment of a hard-kit). Again, please, if anyone has questions and wants to go, ask away before it's too late!
So far, my plan is to do a repeat of DoK I. If we want to load up a truck and a rental trailer again, that did work very well last time.
I must experience this once in my life....I am guessing it is a lot like Pennsic...and should be done...:)
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I must experience this once in my life....I am guessing it is a lot like Pennsic...and should be done...:)
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
On about 1/100th the scale :)
Gentlemen, Nicky has just set a deadline of September 10th for registration. That's only 2 months from now! If you want to go, register. You cannot participate if you're not pre-registered.
Heh, I guess I should get my butt in gear and register. I've been putting it off since I didn't have a photo of a completed kit to submit on the registration form. I just finished my belt today, so I have all the stuff I need now, I think.
I probably won't be able to make the Thursday activities, but what's a good time to plan on arriving on-site Friday?
Heh, I guess I should get my butt in gear and register. I've been putting it off since I didn't have a photo of a completed kit to submit on the registration form. I just finished my belt today, so I have all the stuff I need now, I think.
I probably won't be able to make the Thursday activities, but what's a good time to plan on arriving on-site Friday?
Friday is open for school activities, so it's a show day. If you don't have stuff to set up you can probably walk on at any time in kit. If you do have stuff to set up you'll want to get there either very early, or after it closes. Tentative scheduling has it opening at 10AM on Friday morning and closing by 3PM Friday afternoon.
Unles my day jobs gets in the way of things, I'll be there with my fair lady.
Slightly off topic. I took Sir Humphrey up on his offer and have been reading his blog. I read a number of stories that are nicely done. Nice picture of Sir Ian and Sir Humphrey as well. You should have a look if you have not already done so.
Nicky posted the list of people currently pre-registered. It's available in the Facebook group. The top menu has a 'Files' section, you can find it there. If you're not on the list and you should be you have until September 10th the pre-register.
T minus 2 months
I'm ready! ;D I'm quite looking forward to it, too.
I'm not sure how many of you have been frequenting the FB group, but the talent coming to DoK this year is quite remarkable (assuming they all actually come). It's going to be considerably large I think, and with some of the finest medieval living historians in the country! Bring your a-game gents!
No pressure or anything, right? ;)
No pressure or anything, right? ;)
Yeah, seriously.... *wipes the sweat off his brow** ... no .... pressure
Uhm.. yeah. Maybe I'll hide in my tent. :)
I'm not sure how many of you have been frequenting the FB group, but the talent coming to DoK this year is quite remarkable (assuming they all actually come). It's going to be considerably large I think, and with some of the finest medieval living historians in the country! Bring your a-game gents!
I expect lots of photos and in-depth recaps! :)
Who is able and going, aside from the local-ish area?
Sir Edward?
I know Sir Brian can't make it. :(
Sir Nathan? (I think I've heard yes and no)
Baron de Magnan? (I believe is a yes)
Sir William?
I'm 95% sure I won't make it due to funding issues and work schedule conflict, but if there's a chance of carpooling and splitting cost of gas, etc (or that my legal money-owed-me issue is resolved), there might be a slim chance that if I don't also have the work schedule conflict I could go. Last year was down to the wire on the work schedule issue since it hinges around client requirements and small team size, so I can't make any promises, but I'm at least curious.
I am going, I will be camping with Elliot and Adam Carnahan and doing a Baltic Crusade thing. I will hang around the order of the Marshal camp for a time if you guys want. Elliot will be acting as my squire for the event.
So far I'm still planning to go.
So far I'm still planning to go.
Ah, hmm, for some reason I thought you weren't. At one point Sir Nathan couldn't either, then could, and now I'm confused. Trying to work out logistics financially on possibly truck-pooling and splitting gas and such again. We can chat offline.
Who is able and going, aside from the local-ish area?
Sir Edward?
I know Sir Brian can't make it. :(
Sir Nathan? (I think I've heard yes and no)
Baron de Magnan? (I believe is a yes)
Sir William?
I won't be there this year, but hope to make it some day. Some day...not my favorite term, but I do mean it.
I am a profound yes (that is assuming I can buy a car within the next month and a half). Looks like I need to read up on my Norman history.
I will be there with my fair lady. My primary impression will be an Agincourt archer, secondary will be early 14th Cen knight.
Sir Humphrey
Planning to attend (driving over on Thursday) with the whole family and the war dog in tow :)
Registration is scheduled to close in 5 days (10 September). So if you have not yet registered and plan on attending (even if you may have to cancel after the fact), do so now or you will not be allowed to participate. (
Registration is scheduled to close in 5 days (10 September). So if you have not yet registered and plan on attending (even if you may have to cancel after the fact), do so now or you will not be allowed to participate. (
Registered, and sent the site admin an email about the issues with the registration (it'll give black text on a black screen, but it is submitting) and the mysterious forum and location buttons.
Quick, everyone to the registration form!
The list of registered participants updates in real time it seems, so people can still check if their registration has been received in the mean time while technical issues get sorted. (
Sir Nathan, I don't see you on there. Even if you're unsure about attending, make sure you still register by the 10th.
Oh neat, real-time registration is nice.
I mentioned Sir Nathan as another party member in my group (that feels so D&D to say), just in case he didn't get registered yet. I've also got Chris coming along with me as squire, and I mentioned him as party member as well on my registration; he doesn't need to be registered separately does he? He didn't for 2012.
For some reason they have me listed as as 16th century, when we should be mid- to late 14th century Bohemia/Moravia. I'll e-mail him to clarify...
Home stretch! Today marks the final day of registration and thus the T-30 days to Days of Knights III!
Time to scramble to wrap up last minute projects! I just finished hemming some split hosen, need to add leathers to some pattens, need to make a gown, and trim the skirt on my maille shirt! No problem :o
Do we have a final count of who's going?
I think we've got:
Mike, Martin, Shawn, Doug, Ed, myself, and the maybes are James and Nathan.
Does anyone need anything brought by another member? Everyone have a camp to stay in or lodging out in town? If you're bringing your own period tent expect to set it up in timeline order, not as a group of Order of the Marshal members (our impressions are too far apart on the timeline).
For the newcomers or even the guys who didn't attend last year. Nicky has been doing tons of publicity for the event this year including TV and radio spots. Expect large crowds! DoK II was very well attended last year. There was minimal downtime during public hours. This year will be a bit more structured than last, but expect it to be very busy. So if you want to avoid passing out either have period water vessels available or a way to hydrate inside your tent out of public view.
The site only has port-o-potties available so plan accordingly.
If you'll be there on Friday it's set aside for schools. The kids love to ask questions (and some ask very intelligent questions!).
Sat and Sun will be open for the regular public. If you're not participating in one of the specific presentations expect to be hanging out at your camp area to help interpret your impression to the public and show them cool stuff.
If anyone has any questions about what to expect please ask, it's really a great event and a lot of fun!
Wooo! One more month!
Time to scramble to wrap up last minute projects! I just finished hemming some split hosen, need to add leathers to some pattens, need to make a gown, and trim the skirt on my maille shirt! No problem :o
I just finished sewing up my mother's cote last night. You know, the kind with all those darned gores. Never again...never again. Still have to figure out her headwear, though. At the moment, I'm trying to get my woolen chausses a little more tailored to show off my manly calves. Or lack thereof. ;) Then I have to fix my paternoster. Been looking into pouches/purses, but so far haven't had much luck finding good info for late 13th C. Probably just looking in the wrong places.
And there's probably some more stuff that's slipping my mind at the moment. So yeah, no problem at all.
Looks like I'm going to have to get a pair of water vessels, too. Who sells relatively inexpensive costrels?
A very important note on lighting for those camping; I asked on the Book of Faces page, and per the event organizer Nicky Hughes, modern lighting is not acceptable even after hours - unless it's an emergency. So candles, camp fire, period lanterns, etc, are required. No electric lighting devices; I'm assuming this includes cell phones. It also includes banning the LED lanterns we bought back in 2012, even if they are set to "orange" light.
I don't have any period appropriate lighting, nor any interest in buying it to use for 3 nights every other year. I don't like the idea fire being forced as the only option for lighting during non-public hours. As medieval as wandering around with a torch sounds, I'm now debating on taking a tent, or even camping at all. I might take only clothing.
Even with actual historical armor there, and armored combat to watch, I don't know if it's worth going if that means paying for a hotel for 3-4 nights and leaving the site after dark. So I'm still a maybe, but now leaning towards "probably not" at the moment.
Edit: Unless I'm missing something obvious / cheap / easy for period lighting?
Edit: Unless I'm missing something obvious / cheap / easy for period lighting?
Candles? They're about as easy as it gets and they're cheap. They don't have to be perfect beeswax replicas of documented 15th century candles. I think you're over thinking this and making it harder than it has to be.
Or if you want something nicer: (
At the moment, I'm trying to get my woolen chausses a little more tailored to show off my manly calves. Or lack thereof. ;)
My trick for tight fitting hosen (just finished a pair of wool split hose) is put them on inside out, have someone pin them tighter near the old seam, then re-sew the new seam, trim off the excess and now you have custom fit hose. If they're linen don't make them too tight at the ankle, if they're wool they'll stretch, but test fit before cutting.
Been looking into pouches/purses, but so far haven't had much luck finding good info for late 13th C. Probably just looking in the wrong places.
Purses in Pieces ( is a great resource to make one. If you're looking to buy a nice one then Lorifactor stocks a lot and I think they reference dates, haven't checked for 13th c. Boots by Bohemond also stocks them and has quick shipping but they are machine stitched (but fine for DoK).
Looks like I'm going to have to get a pair of water vessels, too. Who sells relatively inexpensive costrels?
Dunno... I have an anachronistic leather bottle, but I don't have a costrel. Strictly speaking leather bottles are not medieval, but costrels are. I just keep modern water in my tent and fill up my period cups as necessary. Rob van Rens will be there, who is a professional potter. He will be vending and makes excellent period stoneware if you need cups.
Oh! And don't forget to bring silverware and a plate for the feast on Saturday night!
I forgot I bought 4 lanterns back in 2012. I'm good. Put me back on "pending work approval". :)
At the moment, I'm trying to get my woolen chausses a little more tailored to show off my manly calves. Or lack thereof. ;)
My trick for tight fitting hosen (just finished a pair of wool split hose) is put them on inside out, have someone pin them tighter near the old seam, then re-sew the new seam, trim off the excess and now you have custom fit hose. If they're linen don't make them too tight at the ankle, if they're wool they'll stretch, but test fit before cutting.
Heh, that's actually exactly what I did. Glad to know I was on the right track. :)
Oh! And don't forget to bring silverware and a plate for the feast on Saturday night!
Something else to add to the list.
Is there a complete list of everything one should have for this event somewhere? Like down to the minutiae?
Is there a complete list of everything one should have for this event somewhere? Like down to the minutiae?
Days of Knights is made up of many individual groups with varying degrees of living history experience and levels of authenticity, time period of focus, and medieval camping experience so each has its own requirements. Some people don't camp at all, so there's really no one size fits all list of stuff to bring, especially down to the minutiae level.
A lot of groups pool resources as well but organizing this group can be like herding cats sometimes :) We're also unique in that as a group the Order of the Marshal has no one specific period of focus so it's harder to pool resources since we'll likely be camping in separate areas since the event is arranged in timeline order. I'm personally going as a member of two separate organizations, my living history club, and the Order, so it makes it even more complex.
But if say you're interested in attending as a solo soft kit only impression staying at a hotel, the required stuff to bring would vary wildly from a person doing an armored impression who plans to camp.
So the best answer is it depends entirely on what level an individual plans to participate at.
Are you attending? And if so how do you plan to participate? With that information I could guide you a lot better on what to bring.
Is there a complete list of everything one should have for this event somewhere? Like down to the minutiae?
Sir Ian covered it very well, I have a thread from a couple years ago where I was packing for DoK 2012. It's not a required checklist by any means, but I thought a list of what I took might be helpful as a list of things you might use: (
Wow, 252 participants in the final count of registered people.
James, we should still bring the LED lanterns. The small orange light is still useful inside the tent, where it wouldn't be seen from the outside.
James, we should still bring the LED lanterns. The small orange light is still useful inside the tent, where it wouldn't be seen from the outside.
Agreed, I still have them packed in the chests, and figure they'll be useful in case of an emergency too. I'm going to work on a few period lanterns and lighting if time permits the next few weekends, but they're definitely staying as backup options.
Bluecorn Naturals ( sells pure beeswax candles. Their tapers (the normal thin candles) burn 1 hr per inch. So a single 10'' taper candle gives you a 10 hr burn time. Bluecorn Naturals also sell their products on Amazon and they are 'prime-able'
Their pillars (the big cylindrical candles, which I'm not sure are medieval) have insane burn times. Their largest pillar burns for 240 hrs.
Pure beeswax candles also smell like honey while they burn :)
I'm going to pick up some tapers and a lantern or two for DoK this year.
If anyone's interested, real medieval candles were either beeswax, tallow, or a combination of the two. Beeswax is self explanatory, tallow is rendered from animal fats (think medieval crisco) and a hardener is added so it just doesn't melt away (it's very soft). Pure beeswax, think upper class and the church, then start to add tallow as you climb down the social ladder. The poor would make their own candles from pure tallow they made from suet (leftover fat basically) from their food. Tallow candles will basically smell like you're frying a hamburger when it burns, whereas beeswax gives off a nice honey scent.
I just remembered: there's a place at PARF that sells assorted beeswax products. And I just happen to be there this weekend. I'll have to stop in and see if they have any tapers. Those would be the period styles, right?
Not that I'd have any use for them since I don't have a tent, but if they're still there and the price is right, I might just get some anyway and bring them along.
My friend Elliot might not be showing up. In this case I need someone to act as my squire as I cannot put my armor on all by myself. Last time I put my own hauberk on I hurt my hernia and was in pain all through DoK 2 though I didn't complain outwardly about it cause I tend to be hardy about pain or discomfort. Just need a backup plan in case he doesnt show up. Someone with experience tying the feet to maille chausses would be preferred as thats the one part I KNOW for sure I wont be able to do. If I have a table or something I can put my hauberk on myself. What I want to do honestly is show the arming of a knight as a demo to some of the people who visit.
I don't think you'll have to worry about people squiring for each other. The event will have dozens of armor geeks on site, so I think you can probably just grab the nearest person for help. :)
We're frantically trying to get our gear ready for this in the three free weekends we have yet remaining.
We're frantically trying to get our gear ready for this in the three free weekends we have yet remaining.
Preaching to the choir brother. I'm in that overwhelmed stage right now trying bring closure to so many different little projects.
...Someone with experience tying the feet to maille chausses would be preferred as thats the one part I KNOW for sure I wont be able to do.
I stitch a pair of turnshoes into my chausses...
Lots for me to do in the three weeks remaining, for both my knight, archer impression and tent interior. One just has to prioritize and work like crazy around one's day job!
Lots for me to do in the three weeks remaining, for both my knight, archer impression and tent interior. One just has to prioritize and work like crazy around one's day job!
I'm taking the easy way out and leaving my tent closed during the day, and hanging out at the combat areas. :) I can't imagine trying to do 3 impressions either!
I still need to get a couple of sets of plates and eating utensils for the Saturday feast, but haven’t really had a chance to look into it (I've been going crazy trying to finish up last-minute projects, too :o). Can anyone recommend a place to get some? Doesn't have to be super fancy.
I still need to get a couple of sets of plates and eating utensils for the Saturday feast, but haven’t really had a chance to look into it (I've been going crazy trying to finish up last-minute projects, too :o). Can anyone recommend a place to get some? Doesn't have to be super fancy.
I got my utensil set, bowls and mugs from (
Their armor is dubious, of course, but general accessories like that was the best price I could find for medieval looking stuff. I can't verify the accuracy of it, but it was acceptable at DoK 1.
I still need to get a couple of sets of plates and eating utensils for the Saturday feast, but haven’t really had a chance to look into it (I've been going crazy trying to finish up last-minute projects, too :o). Can anyone recommend a place to get some? Doesn't have to be super fancy.
Doug, if you want a historical mess kit, for silverware you want a spoon and a knife, and that's it. No forks.
Historic Enterprises sells a good 14th century spoon here (It's very 'high end' because of the brass knop, and the pewter knop version is sold out): (
HE also has utility knives that could be used for eating, but they're expensive: (
I use one of these and just ditched the pricker: (
The HE knife is better and comes with a much nicer scabbard. I made a new scabbard for my boots by bohemond one, but the scabbard it comes with is serviceable but ehhh... I have that HE spoon and it's what I use. The 'maidenhead' spoon they have is a 15th century spoon (the knop features a hairstyle and headdress from the mid-late 15th).
HE also sells small horn cups, glass beakers, stoneware cups. All good for drinking. Rob van Rens will also be present and selling his pottery if you want stoneware from him (he does awesome work, he's in LBC and does most of our pottery).
Plates and trenchers are harder to come by. Most wooden plates on the market are lathed from tropical hardwoods (and they're very obvious), not carved or turned from European hardwoods. Billy and Charlie's doesn't actually sell their nice pewter trenchers anymore or their pewter beakers (I just asked). My plates kinda suck, but I haven't found a good replacement yet.
Awesome, thanks guys. I was originally looking for cheap stuff since I thought I was going to have to get two of everything, but apparently my mom isn't going to stay for the Saturday feast, so maybe I'll get a little bit nicer stuff for myself.
A wooden trencher I’m sure I could make, I’m just not sure if I’d have enough time left to track down the wood and make it. Then doesn’t it also have to be sealed or something?
Then doesn’t it also have to be sealed or something?
There are plenty of food safe wood finishes. There are food grade mineral oils, tung oils, linseed oils etc. You just have to make sure you're purchasing food grade stuff. Beeswax mixed with oils will make it more water repellent. Modern nice edge grain cutting boards are usually just finished with a food grade mineral oil. They just require oil from time to time.
Okay, put some orders in for cutlery. Now concerning the pricker. I know it's considered a dubious reenactorism, but I’m curious as to why. Is there no evidence to its existence, or just no evidence that it was ever used as an eating utensil?
or just no evidence that it was ever used as an eating utensil
This. Reenactors made the logical leap because they're so used to eating with a fork that they have a hard time not using something similar, but there's no evidence for it. Also, there are exceedingly few scabbards for knives that have that reenactor 'double scabbard' for a knife and pricker. The overwhelming majority of scabbards just house a knife.
or just no evidence that it was ever used as an eating utensil
This. Reenactors made the logical leap because they're so used to eating with a fork that they have a hard time not using something similar, but there's no evidence for it. Also, there are exceedingly few scabbards for knives that have that reenactor 'double scabbard' for a knife and pricker. The overwhelming majority of scabbards just house a knife.
All this time, I thought it was just a sharpening steel...
It may very well be a sharpening steel. It's more than likely not a 'fork-wannabe' :)
It may very well be a sharpening steel. It's more than likely not a 'fork-wannabe' :)
Agreed. No period source to cite but if I was thinking "I need to stab some food" chances are I'd just use a knife.
We're frantically trying to get our gear ready for this in the three free weekends we have yet remaining.
Good to hear, I cannot wait to meet you in person. You have been a source of inspiration for my Crusader kit. I'll try to swing by to meet you and your wife on Saturday.
Two more weeks, guys. :) I'm looking forward to meeting you guys in person.
My fingers are ready to bleed from stitching clothing and turnshoes, actually they're beyond ready... I awled myself in the finger yesterday making my wife's shoes, haha. I think I've probably bled on almost every project I've made. No project is complete until you draw blood and incorporate it in to your work :)
My fingers are ready to bleed from stitching clothing and turnshoes, actually they're beyond ready... I awled myself in the finger yesterday making my wife's shoes, haha. I think I've probably bled on almost every project I've made. No project is complete until you draw blood and incorporate it in to your work :)
A testimony as to the truism of “blood, sweat and tearsâ€! ;)
Looks like one of my favorite people from Days of Knights, Amy Jorgensen, will not be attending the event. She tripped and fell, breaking her dominant wrist.
Looks like one of my favorite people from Days of Knights, Amy Jorgensen, will not be attending the event. She tripped and fell, breaking her dominant wrist.
Ouch! I wish her a speedy recovery.
I got my new maille and I ordered some candles last night that were shipped this morning. Things are coming together, not the way I thought it would go, but, workable at least.
Sorry to hear about Amy. Her sister said she might drive her, so, it's a possibility she'll show up as a visitor maybe?
Sorry to hear about Amy. Her sister said she might drive her, so, it's a possibility she'll show up as a visitor maybe?
I do hope she considers coming up! If not she will be sorely missed.
So, I sold something today, so I ordered medieval stuff today. Fingers crossed it'll get here by early next week. At least it's not anything critical.
Safe travels to everyone going! Looking forward to seeing everyone, and meeting those of you I haven't had the pleasure of yet.
have fun storming the castle
Safe travels to all that are going! Have fun and kick some butt in the deed of arms Sir Edward and Sir Nathan! :)
Safe travels to all that are going! Have fun and kick some butt in the deed of arms Sir Edward and Sir Nathan! :)
I hope I can fight. I screwed up my knee again this week. We'll see how I feel by the weekend.
Rest that knee, Commander. No fun gadding about in armor when a critical part like that is hurting.
Chris is sick and can't make it. I'm squireless! Egads!!
Safe travels, gents. See you there!
I'll be happy to lend a hand as needed, Sir James.
What a great event! I have lots of pictures, but it's going to take a day or two to get them all posted. They all need some brightness/contrast adjustments, cropping, etc.
I'm working on the pics of Wade Allen's period antiques first, since my phone was in reach at the computer this morning. :) This was a very cool presentation. 3.5 hours of handling period original spurs, gothic gauntlets, close helm, breastplates, spaulders, and more. I didn't have my camera with me, so I took pictures with my phone.
I must say, the articulation in the originals is just amazing. Some of those gauntlets flowed like water.
Yes, it was a blast! It was great to meet everyone in person, and many wonderful memories were made. :)
Though it occurred to me that I don't think we ever really got a group photo of all the Order members in one place, did we? I think the photos from the knighting were the closest things.
Yes, we had meant to get a group photo while we were all in harness, but then we often were getting in and out of harness depending on our individual schedules, and things just never quite lined up.
Knighting pics would probably be the closest, yep. I didn't armor up until later in the day for the timeline, since I had armor issues, and Ed/Nathan were armored up early for combat and getting out of armor right around when I was getting into it. I didn't even armor up at all on Sunday and took a day to just wander around and enjoy myself. It was a great time!
Loved the pictures I've seen posted on FB and glad the Marshal was so well represented!
Dare I say we had the most participation as a singular group? I am equally proud and envious of you all who attended! :)
Loved the pictures I've seen posted on FB and glad the Marshal was so well represented!
Dare I say we had the most participation as a singular group? I am equally proud and envious of you all who attended! :)
I think the St. Maurice guys outnumbered us by quite a bit. But we were definitely one of the more well represented groups.
For those who haven't seen it on FB, here are my photo-albums from the event:
General: (
Timelines: (
Deeds of Arms: (
James on a Horse: (
Doug's Accolade: (
Wade Allen's Armor Presentation: (
Loved the pictures I've seen posted on FB and glad the Marshal was so well represented!
Dare I say we had the most participation as a singular group? I am equally proud and envious of you all who attended! :)
I think the St. Maurice guys outnumbered us by quite a bit. But we were definitely one of the more well represented groups.
Yes, I think they had somewhere around 12 members. Frater de Tyr said they had 10 tents for their group!
I think a close comparison would be the Companions of the Seven Swords, I believe they had approximately 10 (counting kids), which I think is the same number we had (counting Martyn's wife and kids).
But I think we had the tallest flag there. :D
Also, one of the Marshals brought home the Chaucer Award again this year. ;D
For those who haven't already seen my pics, or want some higher-rez images, I stuck them in a Flickr album: (
Who won the Chaucer Award?
But I think we had the tallest flag there. :D
( (
It was visible from everywhere.
( (
Who won the Chaucer Award?
Our very own Baron de Magnan. Twice now, an Order member has taken the award. Huzzah!
Huzzah and congratulations! :)
btw, Sir Edward I reviewed the pictures of you and Sir Nathan's longsword demonstration and I call foul on your part if you did not point out to Sir Nathan the distinct reach advantage you had with your new Heavy Ensifer Feder! ;)
(obviously it has become as much a favorite for you as mine has for me! :) )
lol, I mentioned it. :)
Oh he pointed it out, but he roasted me anyway. Between the reach and my left thumb getting the worse of a harnessfechten dagger duel (it still isn't gripping things), it wasn't pretty.
It was an honor to get the Chaucer Award. Now I have a standard to live up to.
sweet. good on a mate!
Nicky just announced that Frankfort will no longer be hosting Days of Knights. Not in 2015, or any subsequent years.
I'm not sure why. DoK IV is scheduled for 2015; nothing after that.
hopefully someone else picks up the reins!
Just a small note, DoK IV was always supposed to be in Oak Grove, not Frankfort, and is not affected by that news.
What happened? His FB post sounded kind of ominous.
I really think all the people on the facebook thread should refrain from speculating and give Nicky the time to address it himself.
All we know, is that originally DoK 1 was going to be a one-time event, after which Nicky was retiring. Then he resumed hosting it for DoK 3.
Probably the best speculation is that he just can't or won't do it again, and the city only wants to work with him (as I've heard through others).
But it's all just speculation until we hear something concrete from Nicky, as Ian said.
What is the Chaucer award?
What is the Chaucer award?
It's an award given out at the Frankfort version of Days of Knights for a newcomer to medieval living history. The judges will ask you questions regarding your kit and it's context etc.
I really think all the people on the facebook thread should refrain from speculating and give Nicky the time to address it himself.
I don't know why he'd make a post which will have quick and substantial questions and speculation without giving the details to head that off early. Only way we could have had more intrigue and speculation would be if he said "The city of Frankfort AND THE TEMPLARS have decided..." :)
I really think all the people on the facebook thread should refrain from speculating and give Nicky the time to address it himself.
I don't know why he'd make a post which will have quick and substantial questions and speculation without giving the details to head that off early. Only way we could have had more intrigue and speculation would be if he said "The city of Frankfort AND THE TEMPLARS have decided..." :)
lol... And perhaps the Illuminati? :)
Yes, he left it a bit open-ended, but like I've said speculation doesn't help. There could be a million reasons why this decision was reached. It just fans the flames and whips people into a frenzy on tangents that are unfounded in reality, and doesn't do anything to correct the situation we're inevitably left with regardless of why it ended the way it did.
The important part is the end result; that Days of Knights will not be returning to Frankfort in 2016.
My concern is not why it won't be there, but rather the fact that a bunch of folks who have either attended one DoK or no DoKs at all seem to be hell bent on making the next location as convenient as possible for themselves while disregarding the fact that half of the participants are East Coast folks. We all have a vested interest in this event as some of the folks who helped get it off the ground at DoK 1. I know I don't just speak for myself when I say that this is a very special event to a lot of us, if not the only big LH event some of us get to attend. I'd hate to see a bunch of new guys rip it out of our grasp so they can reduce their drives by a couple hours. Meanwhile we were all making 10-14 hr trips out there, and moving further west would certainly put it out of reach for us. I fear we will see a fracturing of the group. I think the knowledge sharing and online community will remain intact, but I'm nervous about the future of the event itself.
This is especially troubling because it would be on the even years that this happens. And those are the years that more folks can attend (WMAW conflict on the odd years for a lot of people). If it can't ever be in Frankfort again, I'd almost rather see it be in Oak Grove every year. The beauty of KY is that it was centrally located enough to get the Midwest and East Coast folks. It seems a lot of the Midwest folks are forgetting that a huge portion of the participants are East Coast guys. Either that or they aren't really concerned.
Agreed. Oak Grove is just really too much of a hike, at somewhere around 11-12 hours drive time. Gas cost starts to get ridiculous at that point, too; it was almost $400 for just gas alone to do Frankfort.
Patience is a virtue:
Frankfort will not be hosting Days of Knights in the future. However, I have been informed that another Kentucky community is considering becoming the event host for DoK V in 2016. Obviously, they cannot put together a coherent plan overnight, so I suggest a period of quiet reflection while they work on their proposal. DoK V is two years away, after all. I expect to be able to endorse this proposal with enthusiasm, but I need to see the details before I can do so, of course. Meanwhile, I suggest that we give our attention to gearing up for DoK IV, which is only one year away.
Well this doesn't sound good. I've been looking forward to doing something like DoK for a long time. News like this... it does not look promising. If I can't make it by IV I might never get to go to one!
Yeah, it annoys me as well that so many people are trying to move it out of our reach. The point was that both regions met in the middle, a compromise of sorts. Changing this would splinter the community and the event, something I, and many others, do not want to see happen.
Personally, I don't know the distance involved, but the KY horse park area sounds promising.
I think there's hope in that new news from Nicky. Hopefully our fears will prove unfounded.
I hope everything works out for the prospective DoK V site. The community is fairly large seems pretty eager to see it continue, so I'm sure everything will work out in the end, and I'm glad I got to attend at least one. Still, I can't help but feel a little discouraged.
We ended up with a total of fourteen pavilions in camp. Three of mine (RainBringer, LittleCloud, Clara), three of Kyle's (Viking Wedge, wall tent, slant-wall square), Adam Carnahan's round, Terence Harned's round, Peter Novak's round, the Chapel, Frater Rogerson's slant-wall square, Kimetha Loidolt's marquee, Joe Metz's pavilion and Ron and Julie Johnson's wedge tent. Add to it five canopies (Joe Metz's, mine, Terence's and John Brunette's) and there was quite a bit of canvas to put up and take down. It explains why it took eight hours to set most of camp up, and four to tear down and pack!
Is there a date set for DOK IV yet? Ft. Campbell is a doable drive for me!
Is there a date set for DOK IV yet? Ft. Campbell is a doable drive for me!
2-4 Oct 2015