Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Sir Brian on 2008-11-10, 13:39:24
Found this picture on flickr...Hey DragonLover...Does this helm look familar? ;) (
It's even more impressive in person! :)
Why yes, Sir Brian, I do believe I recognize that lid. Truly, it is a very
nice piece of work! ;D
wait is that metal or leather?
It is most definitely metal Sir Wolf....has an interesting sort of patina to it.
Not quite a blackened or blued finish....... :)
I asked Rosemary where the pictures were of the Dragon Helm that I had THOUGHT we took when
we went to go look at it...only I didn't take any PICTURES! - DOH! :-[
I will hopefully remedy that this weekend...IF it wasn't sold already! :-\
ah ok kewl. thats a nasty gap though between the helm and the gorget. might get a sword or lance splinter in there ;)