Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Sir Wolf on 2013-04-27, 14:51:09

Title: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2013-04-27, 14:51:09 (

has some really neat ideas on stuff for 1250s era kit.
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-04-27, 14:58:42
Yep, seen it before. Decent reference, and whenever I get around to that timeframe, I'll be using a few ideas from there.
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: B. Patricius on 2013-04-27, 21:32:42
I just found that yesterday, and I thought it was quite good at getting it down to the basics.  They seem like a pretty good group, albeit a bit cynical to American sword manufacturers because all we do is SCA and Ren-faire...  :-[  too bad the person who wrote that forgot to mention how good Albion is  ::)

I joined their forums yesterday, but after reading posts like that, I'm just enjoying it for seeing what others are doing for their impressions and kits.  They do have a pretty good resource though for interpretation.


B. Patricius
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir William on 2013-04-29, 16:48:35
Funny you should mention that site as I was on it earlier today; I prefer this one w/regard to 12th/13th C ideas.  One caveat- it is written mostly in French, of which I have but rudimentary understanding, but there you have it. (

Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: B. Patricius on 2013-05-01, 20:57:46
Three cheers for Sir William! (  is a wonderful resource.  Good thing too is Google Chrome as a web browser, I'm not sure of the others, but its translator does an ok job  :D  "round riveted mesh" aside, it translates ok. 

Very very cool resource!
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2013-05-01, 21:50:09 ( holy crud some of these kits are awesome
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: B. Patricius on 2013-05-02, 00:43:38
I think pictures are due for this site to not be banned  ;D

beyond that, I love how they spell out everything required to look that good.  It's really amazing.  It also helps my lady can read, sort of, French  ;)
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-05-02, 03:19:07

Man, those are fantastic!
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2013-05-02, 11:30:26
sigh, i now hate everything about my kit and want to start over
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-05-02, 12:51:46
sigh, i now hate everything about my kit and want to start over

Save that for next year. :)
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-05-02, 14:47:07
sigh, i now hate everything about my kit and want to start over

Save that for next year. :)


But another kit is never a bad idea!
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Lord Dane on 2013-05-02, 16:57:49
Nice photos but did you say FRENCH?!?!?  >:( Grrrrrrrrrr!!!
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: B. Patricius on 2013-05-02, 20:31:09
Nice photos but did you say FRENCH?!?!?  >:( Grrrrrrrrrr!!!

the website is in French.  ;) your point?  ;D lol

google chrome has a fairly good translator, beyond that, even just the pictures are a great inspiration.
*edited at 2:30PM PST -
here's another good site: (
it's in French too lol, just been researching of late and finding good stuff only in French! wtf!?!  ;D :o

*edited again at 4:00 PST -
found another one lol (
... in French... again lol
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2013-05-02, 23:25:05
cant get that second link to work
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: B. Patricius on 2013-05-03, 01:05:22
that sucks, the second link works fine for me... hmm ( here's another for the basic main page of that section.  Hope it works
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2013-05-03, 01:50:49
nope says that link is no good either :(
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Ian on 2013-05-03, 02:09:56
Sir Wolf, I think your computer just defends against the French, because I can get through the link just fine.  You must have a fine English computer.  I will have to discipline mine accordingly for allowing the French so easily through to my display.
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: B. Patricius on 2013-05-03, 02:17:09
wth?!? (

any luck with just their main page? they appear to have frames, so maybe that's one of the problems? The good link is the one labeled "XIIIème Siècle." I dunno, I'm such a noob at webpage stuff.  It's starting to act weird for me too, with an "internal error" code popping up every now and again, so I dunno. 
here's a pic from their site,
the worst part is the pictures are great, but their research (even with Google Chrome translating) is worth far more.  They have a great bibliography section, with TONs of primary sources! rrrr
it isn't just armour either, they have embroidery, illuminations, calligraphy, leatherworking and forging with period tools, etc etc etc.  It'd be a great resource if it'd bloody work!

*edited because of Ian replying quicker than me -
Sir Wolf, I think your computer just defends against the French, because I can get through the link just fine.  You must have a fine English computer.  I will have to discipline mine accordingly for allowing the French so easily through to my display.

Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-05-03, 06:17:05
cant get that second link to work

It's french. It will constantly run away. ;)
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2013-05-03, 11:05:16
maybe thats it. they keep running away from my awesomeness and it takes to long to catch so my computer doesn't see it.

all i get is a thin yellow line. LOL jk jk

nope still won't load
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Lord Dane on 2013-05-03, 15:26:16
The French can wee-wee this!!!  ;D
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2013-05-06, 23:43:05
3 separate computers, 3 different browsers. it still is afraid of my scot/irish/english roots
Title: Re: anyone seen this link
Post by: B. Patricius on 2013-05-07, 00:22:02
3 separate computers, 3 different browsers. it still is afraid of my scot/irish/english roots

it must be you then  ;D they can smell the shepherd's pie and mead!