Main => The Round Table => Topic started by: Sir Edward on 2013-03-05, 18:59:36
The rank-titles that the forum uses for post-counts was starting to get confusing, when compared to Order ranks (using names like "page", "squire", etc), so I decided to change them. Here's the old titles and what they map to with the new:
Page -> Newbie
Squire -> New Forum Member
Knight -> Forum Member
Honored Knight -> Forum Follower
Exalted Knight -> Forum Acolyte
Grand Knight -> Forum Veteran
Paladin -> *removed*
That way it's clear that the ranks from the post-counts are exactly that-- just a measure of your forum activity, and not an actual rank as such.
AWWW, they got rid of me! lol
But I understand...and it makes sense.
I thought those were titles we set ourselves in our profile or something. Didn't notice it, but now that you pointed it out, that's much clearer.
You can also set your own title, which would show in addition to the forum rank, and in addition to the Order's rank if you have one.
Well since I lost 30 lbs I'm much more into the "Lyte" of the Acolyte. ;)
Well since I lost 30 lbs I'm much more into the "Lyte" of the Acolyte. ;)
Do you have any titles in low-fat, high-carb??? ???
Makes sense.
That makes much more since, I am glad I was able to help.
Well since I lost 30 lbs I'm much more into the "Lyte" of the Acolyte. ;)
Do you have any titles in low-fat, high-carb??? ???
No, but I do know a Sifud Lo Fat.
Very interesting, thank you Sir Edward for the notification. Now I understand it.