Main => The Round Table => Topic started by: Sir Edward on 2013-03-05, 18:59:36

Title: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-03-05, 18:59:36
The rank-titles that the forum uses for post-counts was starting to get confusing, when compared to Order ranks (using names like "page", "squire", etc), so I decided to change them. Here's the old titles and what they map to with the new:

Page -> Newbie
Squire -> New Forum Member
Knight -> Forum Member
Honored Knight -> Forum Follower
Exalted Knight -> Forum Acolyte
Grand Knight -> Forum Veteran
Paladin -> *removed*

That way it's clear that the ranks from the post-counts are exactly that-- just a measure of your forum activity, and not an actual rank as such.
Title: Re: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: Sir William on 2013-03-05, 19:30:05
AWWW, they got rid of me!  lol

But I understand...and it makes sense.
Title: Re: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-03-05, 20:28:54
I thought those were titles we set ourselves in our profile or something. Didn't notice it, but now that you pointed it out, that's much clearer.
Title: Re: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-03-05, 20:39:10

You can also set your own title, which would show in addition to the forum rank, and in addition to the Order's rank if you have one.
Title: Re: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2013-03-05, 22:08:58
Well since I lost 30 lbs I'm much more into the "Lyte" of the Acolyte. ;)
Title: Re: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: Lord Dane on 2013-03-05, 23:33:27
Well since I lost 30 lbs I'm much more into the "Lyte" of the Acolyte. ;)

Do you have any titles in low-fat, high-carb???  ???
Title: Re: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2013-03-05, 23:55:01
Title: Re: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2013-03-06, 10:04:00
Makes sense.
Title: Re: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: RackThor on 2013-03-07, 03:31:54
That makes much more since, I am glad I was able to help.
Title: Re: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2013-03-13, 23:40:04
Well since I lost 30 lbs I'm much more into the "Lyte" of the Acolyte. ;)

Do you have any titles in low-fat, high-carb???  ???

No, but I do know a Sifud Lo Fat.
Title: Re: Forum post-rank system changed
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2013-04-03, 00:07:21
Very interesting, thank you Sir Edward for the notification.  Now I understand it.