Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: mortuary3 on 2008-09-15, 13:26:29

Title: New stuff
Post by: mortuary3 on 2008-09-15, 13:26:29
For my birthday back on 3 Sept. I found this practically new Windlass Verneuil sword.  Looks grand & handles most impressive.  I'm rather chuffed with it especially for the price I paid on Ebay $169.00 + sh


also, a week or so before that my tunic from Historic Enterprises came.

getting ready for the Medieval Faire here 27 & 28 Sept.



Title: Re: New stuff
Post by: Sword Chick on 2008-09-15, 15:04:19
The sword looks great!  Congratulations and happy birthday (again).  :)

Pictures of you in the tunic?
Title: Re: New stuff
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2008-09-15, 21:49:00
wow, thats nice.

ya we need pics of u in your new get up :)
Title: Re: New stuff
Post by: Das Bill on 2008-09-16, 01:55:43
Congrats! That's a really great price!
Title: Re: New stuff
Post by: Sir Edward on 2008-09-16, 02:57:51

Very pretty!
Title: Re: New stuff
Post by: mortuary3 on 2008-09-16, 10:47:21
I'll post pics of me in kit when we do the faire in a little over a week (27th & 28th).

Title: Re: New stuff
Post by: Sir Brian on 2008-09-16, 12:12:45
Great sword, happy birthday and can't wait to see the picts of your harness!
Title: Re: New stuff
Post by: Dragonlover on 2008-09-16, 12:16:19
Great price for that little gem! We can always use more pics!
Btw Sir Brian, thanks for the site info. just perused it and have
some really awesome ideas! ;D