Main => The Courtyard => Topic started by: Sir Brian on 2012-11-07, 10:42:57
Here is the women's final from the 2012 Longpoint tournament.
Congratulations on making it to the finals Jessica! You looked great in that duel!
Longpoint 2012 Women's Longsword Final 1st Place (Susanna vs. Jess) (
Nice match, Jessica :) Sorry we haven't met yet. Perhaps next MDRF outing (if the US survives til then). :-\
Jess, that was well fought...its easy to see you'd kick my ass pretty handily if we ever dueled. You two seemed pretty evenly matched.
Nicely done! Evenly matched indeed. The new scoring system seems to have worked well.
Thanks, everyone! :) That was a pretty fun fight. I like the rules that Longpoint were using - the idea being one clear and controlled hit can win the match. It made for a very good place to be in my head, that is "All I have to do is hit her right and I can stop fighting". :)
She had a lot of strength, but less training. I had less strength and more training, and in that way we were well matched.
An excellent match in deed!
She had a lot of strength, but less training. I had less strength and more training, and in that way we were well matched.
Indeed that is even more awesome. Balance of training and strength is always needed when training or bouting.
The only thing that bites is that I don't see many Fiore practitioners in events such as Longpoint or Swordfish. That would make an excellent mixture in the bouts or Tournaments.
I like the rules that Longpoint were using - the idea being one clear and controlled hit can win the match.
Yeah we were using the new Longpoint rules when scoring our duels yesterday @ MASHS free play session, which everyone has an open invitation to attend the last Sunday of each month.
Even though our group was generally novices at judging I really liked them. They made it more plausible and realistic for me as I was a bit more prudent against the more advanced opponents I dueled. ;)