Main => The Courtyard => Topic started by: Sir Edward on 2012-05-31, 22:36:38
Old Dominion Fechtschule (
Check it out. It looks like Jess Finley has indeed opened up a Selohaar fighting school here in Northern VA. She's based in Herndon, VA, so this may be an option for the WV folks for weekend practices.
121.7 mi, 2 hr 27 min blah! :'(
Excellent! That would be good news for Sir Nathan in case if he is interested in training in the Kunst des Fechtens. ;)
121.7 mi, 2 hr 27 min blah! :'(
Could be worse:
2,589 mi. 1 day 17 hours for me. ;)
That would be a good three hour trip for me but I wouldn't mind a bit. ;)
Ha, that's 10 minutes from my office! Thanks for the heads up. Let's see if the schedule and finances line up.
121.7 mi, 2 hr 27 min blah! :'(
Still closer than going to Annapolis for MASHS. :) The distances aren't too bad for Saturday afternoon practices. It would be murder during the week though.
Ha, that's 10 minutes from my office! Thanks for the heads up. Let's see if the schedule and finances line up.
Still closer than going to Annapolis for MASHS. :) The distances aren't too bad for Saturday afternoon practices. It would be murder during the week though.
Excellent, it would make a good trip especially for SIGMA, I am sure Sir Nathan would be excited to get a start in his Kunst des Fechtens training. It will be a lot of fun for him. ;)