Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-05-20, 14:00:05

Title: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-05-20, 14:00:05
These are a few of the items I have acquired. One fukk set of armor, a half set, two cool swords, the real excaliber...(It originally belonged to Julius Ceaser, when it was taken to England and put in the stone, moss grew around the original latin  saying and was mis-translated as battle hemlet...the rest on my next btext.

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-05-20, 14:02:15
Here's the rest...I have two of the 3rd I keep this color for ElCid and the other I customized for my own personal sword.

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-05-20, 16:28:18
That's neat, thank you for posting the pictures. I didn't know you have japanese weapons, too.
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-05-20, 17:12:09
Very nice Sir John, quite an interesting harness and weaponry.   :D
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-05-20, 17:55:40
I don't know of any of the swords are oriental...I just thought they were interesting and I got them real at the PA Ren Faire last year.

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-05-21, 00:33:07
The emerald green snake / dragon one definitely looks oriental. The fittings, slight blade curvature, looks very oriental. It's definitely a fantasy piece, the gold and green is a great color combo - and someone we all know is partial to that color scheme. :)
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-05-22, 14:46:03
The emerald green snake / dragon one definitely looks oriental. The fittings, slight blade curvature, looks very oriental. It's definitely a fantasy piece, the gold and green is a great color combo - and someone we all know is partial to that color scheme.

Correct and I noticed you have a Tizona sword  ;D which is excellent, I have my own version of that famous sword of the Cid.  ;)
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir William on 2012-05-22, 14:58:26
Sir James, I can tell you- 'Oriental' is not a PC term.  ;)  The correct terminology is 'Asian'- and I was told this by a young Asian woman. lol
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir Edward on 2012-05-22, 15:22:12
Sir James, I can tell you- 'Oriental' is not a PC term.  ;)  The correct terminology is 'Asian'- and I was told this by a young Asian woman. lol

Reminds me of one of the rants from Harlan Ellison. He got an angry letter from one of his readers complaining about his use of the word "midget", and preferring to be called "little people". Harlan's response was something along the lines of "I'm 5'3; I'm a little person. You're a midget!"  :)  A bit uncouth, but I can understand the rebellion against the whole "politically correct" thing.

Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir William on 2012-05-22, 15:57:58
Sir John, that first Excalibur you have- is it from the movie Last Legion?  I thought that was a good movie, my brother introduced me to far as legends of Arthur go, it wasn't a bad take on what could've been.  A bit of a stretch, but still a good yarn.
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-05-22, 17:04:26
Sir James, I can tell you- 'Oriental' is not a PC term.  ;)  The correct terminology is 'Asian'- and I was told this by a young Asian woman. lol

Oops, sorry, I never know which to go for.
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-05-23, 15:59:42
Sir John, that first Excalibur you have- is it from the movie Last Legion?  I thought that was a good movie, my brother introduced me to far as legends of Arthur go, it wasn't a bad take on what could've been.  A bit of a stretch, but still a good yarn.

I agree with Sir William in regards to the film, although it has stirred quite a controversy with historians.  But it is a good film none the less.
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir William on 2012-05-24, 17:09:49
Sir John, that first Excalibur you have- is it from the movie Last Legion?  I thought that was a good movie, my brother introduced me to far as legends of Arthur go, it wasn't a bad take on what could've been.  A bit of a stretch, but still a good yarn.

I agree with Sir William in regards to the film, although it has stirred quite a controversy with historians.  But it is a good film none the less.

Historians?  How about they prove that Arthur actually existed before they go about how he came about and such.  I've enjoyed most of the Arthurian-themed movies I've seen thus far...from the wildly fantastical Excalibur, the 2004s King Arthur, even Last Legion.  Hell, I liked Mists of Avalon!
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir Matthew on 2012-05-25, 00:53:36
I love The Last Legion. Not my era of interest, per se, but it was a really good movie and did a pretty realistic depiction of combat, I thought. Plus it showed how bad ass Roman Legions were. Last I saw on the Arthur myth, historians seemed to be generally leaning toward that being a title and not an individual. Is this the debate to which you refer?
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-05-25, 02:18:50
Historians?  How about they prove that Arthur actually existed before they go about how he came about and such.  I've enjoyed most of the Arthurian-themed movies I've seen thus far...from the wildly fantastical Excalibur, the 2004s King Arthur, even Last Legion.  Hell, I liked Mists of Avalon!

In fair Honesty, I enjoy a good Arthurian film, my personal favorite is the Clive Owen version.  Historians have debated over time who the real King Arthur was, they suggested it could be Lucius Arturius Castus, or Riothamus (a famous Celtic Leader whose life story resembles the legends perfectly) and the Welsh "Arthur" (can't remember his name) and so on.  My take is that the real Arthur was not one man, but rather several men that continued a legacy of early British independence from Rome and Barbarian invasions. 

historians seemed to be generally leaning toward that being a title and not an individual. Is this the debate to which you refer?

I have read on the title debate and honestly I can see it as a possibility but I have yet to find evidence.
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Bernarr on 2012-05-25, 06:37:43
The Clive Owen movie was definitely an awesome watch- (
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir William on 2012-05-25, 12:58:07
I thought so too...nevermind the liberties taken with the types of armor they wore, or the siege weaponry used- it was a rousing action flick.
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-05-25, 15:21:13
I thought so too...nevermind the liberties taken with the types of armor they wore, or the siege weaponry used- it was a rousing action flick.

The Clive Owen movie was definitely an awesome watch-

Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-05-26, 13:53:02
Well, I thought that the snake sword might have been Persian, or Mongolian, but then, that's near the asian area. I liked the one with the 4 dragons on the handle...they move.

I like the Last Legion 2...and have found some historians that say it was Julius Ceaser's sword.

I just watched "Arn"...I thought it was good but not the best I've seen.

Oh...if you noticed my two metal gorgets...they would be too hot and heavy for me to I decided to make one with leather scales. I found some really cheap on ebay...loke 35 for $1.50...and am working on that's starting to look good.

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-05-27, 15:53:30
Oh...if you noticed my two metal gorgets...they would be too hot and heavy for me to I decided to make one with leather scales. I found some really cheap on ebay...loke 35 for $1.50...and am working on that's starting to look good.

Very nice, can't wait to see it.
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-05-27, 15:58:40
It's almost done. I painted the brown leather scales purple...and am doing the same for other things I wear, so I can be a real Purple knight.

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-05-28, 01:32:03
It's almost done. I painted the brown leather scales purple...and am doing the same for other things I wear, so I can be a real Purple knight.

Sir John

Cool, show us some pictures when you get done.
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-05-28, 13:05:52
I will...I'm finally done but have to find the time to take a good picture. Kinda busy today.

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-05-28, 20:10:39
Here's the finished result...the scale gorget alone and on my surcoat.

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-05-29, 18:04:53
Excellent work Sir John!  Nicely done.   :)
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-06-02, 13:37:45
Thanks...I'm trying ti upgrade my outfit, but keep ot cool and light enough so it doesn't bother me.

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-06-02, 18:42:53
Thanks...I'm trying ti upgrade my outfit, but keep ot cool and light enough so it doesn't bother me.

Understandable Sir John.   ;) 
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-06-05, 21:22:54
One of the problems I have with my outfit, or set as you call that I do wear glasses...but research has shown that eye glasses were invented in the 14th century (actually earlier in China.) But they were of the "pince nez" type, which changed in the 17th century to the side arms, but then re appeared in the 18th and 19th century as pronce nez again, popular with the aristocratics.

Funny that should come up in my research...on another line...I have a really super 18th century gentleman's tux complete with spats, walking sticks, top hat and much much more...and pince nez glasses! They even turned out to be very close to my now I can REALLY be in period outfit at the PA Ren Faire. I was so lucky to find them in my Rx.

Sir John

PS...once I get my new outfit done, I'll send a picture. I really will be a purple knight. (One thing about me is I do everything 110% plus never underestimate me and watch what you say to may come back to haunt you.)

Eventually when three knights will sponsor me and I have the knighting at my house...I think you will be totally amazed at what I've done with the have no idea!
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-06-05, 22:02:47
Thought I'd attach a picture of my horse...I had him 2 years.

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir William on 2012-06-06, 14:32:54
What a beautiful animal...nice work on the gorget too, that looks professional!  Do you ride often, Sir John?
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-06-06, 15:24:40
once I get my new outfit done, I'll send a picture. I really will be a purple knight. (One thing about me is I do everything 110% plus never underestimate me and watch what you say to may come back to haunt you.)

Oh I will be careful Sir John, and I think that would make you rather unique, we need some nice colors like purple. 

Eventually when three knights will sponsor me and I have the knighting at my house...I think you will be totally amazed at what I've done with the have no idea!

Cannot wait to see it!   ;)
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Lord Dane on 2012-06-06, 18:16:07
Nice display. I'll need to put up some pics of my favorite pieces from my collection (once I get settled in).  ;D
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-06-06, 19:13:00
I'd love to have my own horse! I'd just need a bigger yard, and a friend who's a vet, and a stable, and a squire, and .... that's starting to sound like a lot.
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-06-07, 18:08:22
I'd love to have my own horse! I'd just need a bigger yard, and a friend who's a vet, and a stable, and a squire, and .... that's starting to sound like a lot.

Yes Sir James, a lot more expenses to worry about.   ;)
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-06-09, 14:49:07
I used to ride every saturday (a rented horse) when I was in high school...after the army is when I bought the horse, but due to being a teaching assistant and going to graduate school, I had to sell him after 2 years. There aren't any more stables that rent horses in or near Philadelphia, but on vacations I'd always find a stable to ride one.

An interesting note...when we rented a cottage in the Poconos (PA) on Keen Lake, I found a stable and rented a horse. I told the guide about the horse I owned, which I'm sure he thought was only a story, so he gave me the most spirited horse in the stables, thinking I'd make a fool of myself. Much to his suprise, I did really well, and he told me in all the days of renting out that horse, I was trhe ONLY ONE to be able to keep him under control!

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir Rodney on 2012-06-09, 15:52:50
Your story brought back fond memories. :)

When my wife and I were first dating we would take her family horses and ride around rural MN.  I learned alot on those rides, like how NOT to sit in a saddle. :o  Unfortunately the horses are long gone now...
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-06-09, 16:43:09
I used to ride every saturday (a rented horse) when I was in high school...after the army is when I bought the horse, but due to being a teaching assistant and going to graduate school, I had to sell him after 2 years. There aren't any more stables that rent horses in or near Philadelphia, but on vacations I'd always find a stable to ride one.

An interesting note...when we rented a cottage in the Poconos (PA) on Keen Lake, I found a stable and rented a horse. I told the guide about the horse I owned, which I'm sure he thought was only a story, so he gave me the most spirited horse in the stables, thinking I'd make a fool of myself. Much to his suprise, I did really well, and he told me in all the days of renting out that horse, I was trhe ONLY ONE to be able to keep him under control!

Excellent story Sir John, that is quite an adventure right there.  Now I am interested in renting a horse or two.   :D
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-06-09, 20:58:35
The summer between getting out of the army and going to grad school, I spent most of my time riding. Even in the winter I had special horse shoes put on him...with teflon strips so that he wouldn't slip on the ice or snow. I still have his saddle in my basement.

Sir John
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2012-06-10, 15:03:02
The summer between getting out of the army and going to grad school, I spent most of my time riding. Even in the winter I had special horse shoes put on him...with teflon strips so that he wouldn't slip on the ice or snow. I still have his saddle in my basement.

Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-06-11, 19:43:02
The summer between getting out of the army and going to grad school, I spent most of my time riding. Even in the winter I had special horse shoes put on him...with teflon strips so that he wouldn't slip on the ice or snow. I still have his saddle in my basement.

Sir John

That's awesome. :)
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir William on 2012-06-12, 16:42:08
I thought teflon was ultra slick so that stuff doesn't stick to it, just slide off.  How did it work for your horse, Sir John?
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-06-12, 21:39:56
I thought teflon was ultra slick so that stuff doesn't stick to it, just slide off.  How did it work for your horse, Sir John?

It's a bit strange to think about, but it works, just in "reverse" from most normal thoughts - the teflon will keep ice from sticking to horse's feet and causing him to slide around. The weight of the horse will generally keep him planted in the snow just fine. It's a "dirty little secret" for stuff like snow shovels and snow blowers. ;) (
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir William on 2012-06-13, 13:28:34
Well, well...I learned something new!  Thanks.
Title: Re: My Armory
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-06-16, 13:48:06
It worked was made loke treads on a snow tire, so that it digs into the ice and snow.

Sir John