Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Sir Wolf on 2008-06-17, 16:18:21

Title: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2008-06-17, 16:18:21
awesome. KultofAthena has great prices as well as great customer service.  i thin kwhen i get home tonight i'll put together a list.  which Del Tins do you guys like?
Kult Of Athena is proud to announce that we will soon offer Del Tin Swords from Italy. For over 40 years Del Tin Armi Antiche Company has been producing some of the finest sword reproductions available. These functional works of art have been exhibited in the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds, UK where they are used in fighting demonstrations.

In recent years Del Tin's swords have been very difficult to obtain in the US. Forcing collectors to order directly from Italy, dealing with a 4-6 month wait, overseas shipping and an unfavorable exchange rate. But now we plan to stock these high end products in order to offer our customers the best prices and availability we are known for.

Del Tin offers a very large selection of items. As such it will be impossible for us to stock everything at once right a way. So we are allowing you, our valued customers, to help us decide what items we should stock first. Please, if you have any interest in Del Tin swords, take a moment to view their collection of products here. Send us an email and let us know what items interest you most. We'll base our first order on the items our customers would like to see available.

heres soem pieces i think i'd like to get:
Title: Re: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: Sir Brian on 2008-06-17, 16:40:51
Sweet! KoA is awsome. They got my new rondel dagger to me a day earlier than promised! And
their prices are excellent.

Thanks for the news and the link...btw, I want everything from the 14th century!  ;D
Title: Re: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: Sir Edward on 2008-06-17, 19:54:02

Cool, maybe I'll actually get a Del Tin for my collection.

You know, the irony is that when I had dreams of turning my old sword business into what KoA has accomplished, I had approached Del Tin about carrying their line. They were mostly polite, but the message had a definite tone of "not in your dreams!" :)
Title: Re: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: Das Bill on 2008-06-18, 03:25:20
Hey, cool. Of course, Art Elwell has been selling them for years. :)

My girlfriend bought me a Venetian Infantry sword from Art Elwell over Christmas. Because I'm so picky about my swords, she had me help her out with a lot of the communication with Art. Art was *super* helpful, and had a ridiculous amount of swords in stock.

Still, its nice to have another option with Kult of Athena. I wonder if there will be a difference in price between the two companies.
Title: Re: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2008-06-18, 12:01:58
ehhehe i can bet on that. Arts prices are on the high side. i ordered my falchion threw due to art was almost 100 bucks more.
Title: Re: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: Sir Edward on 2008-06-18, 14:35:12
Hey, cool. Of course, Art Elwell has been selling them for years. :)

I didn't know that... Hah, the things you discover in conversations such as these.

I sent KoA an email, as they asked on the site, and here's the list I gave them:


I'm particularly thrilled about 5133 and 5134, since I really haven't seen the Maciejowski Bible "chopper" weapons anywhere else. I'd consider getting one of each to cross on a wall somewhere. :)

Now I just need some hurlbats. (I could totally throw those!) :)

Title: Re: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: mortuary3 on 2008-06-18, 16:45:29
Interesting indeed. Always had hankering for the 5157, but it's not on the list...couldn't afford it right now any way.  Always nice to dream a bit.

Another thumbs up for my last sword from them.

Great price, great service, great sword...
Title: Re: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2008-06-18, 17:19:19
great!  i collected all of the good sword posts as well as a listing for other groups and sent them to KultofAthena.  I hope they don't get them all cause I'd be way too tempted and pulled in different directions on which to get first ehhehehe.
Title: Re: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2009-01-19, 02:53:02

just after i spent my Christmas money they put in stock the 1 del tin i would have gotten!!!!!!! hehehe  theres a bunch of other new ones too
Title: Re: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: Das Bill on 2009-01-19, 17:51:12

just after i spent my Christmas money they put in stock the 1 del tin i would have gotten!!!!!!! hehehe  theres a bunch of other new ones too

If it makes you feel any better, all of the Viking era swords I've handled by Del Tin were fairly heavy and "dead" feeling in the hand. I like a lot of Del Tins, but a lot of them are not what I would consider representative of the swords that they replicate, at least in terms of handling characteristics.
Title: Re: to sell Del Tin Swords
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2009-01-19, 21:08:52
see, i have often thought that viking era swords are supposed to be heavy in the blade rather than those of the later centuries. hmm I'll need to read up on my Ian pierce again. but still ;) i love me that migration era sword. dunno why, it just sorta... speaks to me. prob the same way those albions talk dirty to you and Sir Edward heheheheh