Main => The Round Table => Topic started by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-09-10, 14:56:07
I know two of you were interested in meeting me at this Faire. I'm not sure who all I will be going with, so as yet don't know what outfit I will be wearing. We are planning on Saturday, October 14th, with a rain date of Saturday, October 21st. We want to go when it's cooler, especially me because4 I will be in period clothes. Let me know if anyone here is going on those dates.
Sir John, it looks to me as the 14th and 21st are fridays. Do you mean the 15th and 22nd? It looks to be about 2 hours from me, I might be able to make the trip. Our own Sir Matthew is on cast at PARF; I am sure you will have a chance to meet him.
I will not be able to attend PARF again until their closing weekend on the 29th and 30th. I will most likely be able only to make the final day on Sunday but Saturday is still a remote possibility. :-\
I'd like to attend this far away is it from us, Sir Brian?
Hmm. PARF closes a week after the MD Renn Fest does. That looks like a great option for me, too.
I'd like to attend this far away is it from us, Sir Brian?
It is approximately 90 minutes from the MDRF but it's mostly highway/interstate with some tolls (around $6.00)
Hmm. PARF closes a week after the MD Renn Fest does. That looks like a great option for me, too.
That would be great since if all goes according to plan you would be the orders newest knight and could also meet with Sir John and possibly co-sponsor his nomination for entry into the order if you are so inclined. :)
A week after MDRF eh? Might be worthwhile to make that trip up there...but if I had to choose, I'd rather make the knighting ceremony for Sir James...after all, he was present at mine!
Sir John, will you also be in attendance at PARF the last weekend of October?
A week after MDRF eh? Might be worthwhile to make that trip up there...but if I had to choose, I'd rather make the knighting ceremony for Sir James...after all, he was present at mine!
Sir William I believe it is a necessity as knights of the order for both of us to be in attendance of the ceremony since you, Sir Edward and I are currently the only knights of the order. As our bylaws state:
The Squire must approach knights in good standing, and find three that will participate in the accolade. A first, to perform the ceremony, and two seconds to aid in it. One of them may be the Knight Commander, however this is not a requirement. The number is three to reduce the likelihood of a couple of knights accelerating a friend through the system. Also, during the ceremony, it is customary for the two additional knights to affix the new knight's spurs. Approval must also go through the Knight Commander.
Indeed it is, thank you for clarifying it. So, with that said...I guess someone has to put forth Sir James for knighthood, but only after he's asked them, is it not so? Or has all that taken place during my slumber?
Yeah, I guess the way we wrote it, the 3 knights are necessary for the ceremony. I think what's most important though is to have 3 for sponsoring.
But yeah, we approved and offered a whole bunch of them a while back and just haven't done any of them yet.
Who, in particular, besides Sir James? My memory's like a only holds water if you continually pour into it. lol
Sir Nathan has also been making his knighting ceremony arrangements. He wants his at his church with his priest giving him a benediction prior to being knighted which goes well with his chosen knightly personae. :)
The list is here:,1209.0.html (,1209.0.html)
I gotta talk my folks into taking me here. I am sure I COULD make it as long as the weather is nice. I am NOT going if it rains as I don't want my armor to rust >_> But I'll try to see what I can do.
Ulrich, a little rust doesn't hurt...if you take care of it the same day. My greaves started rusting at the last gathering in the rain....a little elbow grease and some Flitz and boom, back in business.
Sir Edward, I got a popup when I clicked your link about the site certificate. Just FYI.
I am indeed on cast at PaRF, most of my time is spent at the Trayned Band (Millitary Encampment) Camp in the picnic grove. I'm in all the demos we do, but if you stop by camp when we are not having a demo we can chat. Sir John, I would really like to meet you, you seem very knowledgeable. With all the bad weather this season, it doesn't seem implausable that an extra weekend may tacked on to the end of the season as has been done in years past. Nothing has been said yet, but we have closed early twice and not even opened one day, so it is possible.
Yes, I had the dates wrong for when I am going. I must have been looking at September, but the first choice would be saturday October 15th, rain date the following saturday. I won't be attending the last saturday of the farie.
I guess noone from the group is going on the date I will be going?
I may be able to make the 14th, but I'm not completely sure yet - it depends on a few things between now and that weekend. I will not be able to make the 21st due to conflicts, so hopefully the 14th will be the Saturday that you go.
I'm there every weekend. Stop at the Trayned Band Camp in the Picnic Grove and ask for me. Unless we are doing a demo or I am out of camp on "assignment" I should be free to talk.
Sir Matthew, Were you there last year with the pikeman? I have a pic taken with one of them...I attached it.
I was often in camp, but I had not yet joined the unit. The gentleman in your pic is Kyle, he has since replaced the cheap and rather poor quality breast and back with a much better one.
I still intend to go this Saturday if it doesn't rain. Since noone else in my group are goinh in period dress, I will be going as "Sir John" but I will not be wearing a helm or carrying a shield...I will be wearing my "dress" outfit...much fancier than my other one.
remember to take pictures
I still intend to go this Saturday if it doesn't rain. Since noone else in my group are goinh in period dress, I will be going as "Sir John" but I will not be wearing a helm or carrying a shield...I will be wearing my "dress" outfit...much fancier than my other one.
I previously posted about going on the 14th, but I meant 15th (saturday). It is still undetermined for me, but I will post by Friday if I am able to go or not.
I'm still waiting to see if it will rain. In any case, you know my coat of arms in which I will be wearing, so stop and introduce yourself.
Don't forget to stop at the Millitary encampment in the picnic grove and visit. I should be there most of the day, we have demos at noon and 5:30 of the artillery piece out on Bosworth Field. At 1 and 2:30 we do our Matchlock Musket demos in the camp and at 2:45 and 6 we march in the procession to Chess and Joust. I think we are short handed again this weekend as Sarge is at drill so I will most likely be doing musket and not pike most of the day.
I didn't post a knight of the week because I was at the PA REN FR last week and met Sir Matthew. I attached a picture of us.
Excellent picture. Wish I had had more time to chat. Maybe next time we won't be so busy.
Well met, Sir John...perhaps we can get you down to the Maryland Faire next year!
I will be at PARF this Sunday in full armor. Anyone else planning on being there?
I'll have to see what happens with snow and otherwise, as well as family health and other things I need to take care of first - but possibly.
Sir John, will you be there?
PaRF is closed Sat., stay tuned for Sun. If we get the snow amounts they are talking about, I can't see them opening Sun. either. I don't think the lots will be cleared or in any shape to park in and the grounds will likely be pretty sloppy and unpassable too, but we'll see. If I hear anything, I'll pass it along.
I've been to the MD Ren Faire, and don't like it as much as the PA one. Plus they won't allow swords at the MD Faire, but they do at the PA one. I feel naked withouyt one.
I've been to the MD Ren Faire, and don't like it as much as the PA one. Plus they won't allow swords at the MD Faire, but they do at the PA one. I feel naked withouyt one.
I don't feel right without one either. But MDRF is the closest to me. Go figure.
Agreed; but as with Sir Edward, it is the one closest to me. Although I must say, I do like the VARF simply for the fact that they understand knights should not be parted from their weapons.