Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-12, 04:23:34

Title: Von Gottesmund
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-12, 04:23:34
The sword is the Norman from Darksword armoury. It's a really nice piece, and I love it.
The name of my sword is Von Gottesmund. It translates (German) into "Of God's Mouth"
The name has biblical significance, to the book of revalations, chapter 19
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
[13] And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
[14] And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
[15] And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

The hilt is a very arch-typical medieval arming sword. I am quite fond of it though. It is very nicely shaped, but not gaudy. A sword that is obviously meant for a fight, but could easily be seen on any knight's belt.
The integral belt and scabbard are wonderful.They further the air of simple sophistication. On a practical level, the belt is comfortable, and easy to wear. The scabbard is great also. They really look like custom pieces. 
Handling: This is a sword you don't wanna be hit with. She oozes with power. She doesn't dance like a Tinker or an Atrim, but she isn't slow by any means. She moves quite quickly for her mass, and tracks quite well in the thrust.
But God is she a vicious sword. If there was a sword that would break other swords, split shields, and make people depending on their armour's lives absolutely suck, Von Gottesmund is it. And this isn't Badgerblade flavoured hubris, this is a solid warsword.
And if this is the same steel I've seen the guys at SBG give absolute Albion wrenching hell to, this is a sword that could endure it. (not that you use a sword that way...)
The best word is solid. really.
Anyway, pics, as always. (
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2011-07-12, 06:11:06
Cant view the pic. Did you copy in the public link?
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-07-12, 13:11:10

It worked for me, but I have him friended. Might need to double-check that the album is public.
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir William on 2011-07-12, 14:57:17
Or, post pics for those of us who are FB-disabled.  ;)

Photobucket works well for that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-12, 15:23:57
well my pics are too large for the attachments here. Lemme change the status of that album real quick....
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-12, 15:25:59
There. Now everyone can supposedly see it.
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir Brian on 2011-07-12, 16:36:07
I'll have to wait until I get home to view it...FB verboten @ work!  :(
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir William on 2011-07-12, 18:15:00
Same here, Sir Brian.  The nerve of those IT folk, eh?  ;)
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-07-12, 18:22:37
i like it
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-14, 03:15:00
Thank you Sir Wolf!
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir Rodney on 2011-07-14, 13:53:01
I still can't view it, though I am technologically challenged.
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir Brian on 2011-07-14, 14:16:06
Got to view the pictures last night! Sword and scabbard looks great!  :)
How much did it run you?
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-07-14, 17:27:29
I pulled out a few select pics, hopefully Lord Rodney can see them.








Sir Nathan, shoot me a PM if you want to know how to post them here without making them attachments.
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir Rodney on 2011-07-14, 17:34:48
Thank you for posting the photographs.  Sir Nathan, please PM me for my shipping address as I don't think I can truly appreciate the sword and scabbard through photographs alone!  ;) ;D

Very nice!
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir William on 2011-07-14, 20:05:05
Ha!  Well said, Lord Rodney!  Sir James, you have my thanks as I could not view them either- not having a FB account is seen as crippling by some...but not me.  ;)

Pictures rarely do a sword justice...I look forward to seeing it strapped on Sir Nathan at some point!
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-15, 15:18:09
Thank you very much Sir James,I'll shoot you that PM shortly.
and yeah, I like FB, mainly cause I can connect with other armour obsessed folks  ;D

And the whole thing was only 370.
Lord Rodney, that is vaguely familiar to what gets posted on Myarmoury every time someone reviews their Albions, and there always seems to be a disembodied Houndskull involved  ;)

And SirWilliam, don't worry, she will be making her debut at our next conquest of a renn fair!
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir Rodney on 2011-07-15, 15:43:31
Quote from: Sir Nathan
Lord Rodney, that is vaguely familiar to what gets posted on Myarmoury every time someone reviews their Albions, and there always seems to be a disembodied Houndskull involved  ;)

But yet, no one has taken me up on my offers! ???  I'm just trying to help.

Trust me; the houndskull bascinet is much more attractive than my ugly mug.  ;)

edited to add:

Plus, it's SO unfair that Michael is holding three Albion Brescia Spadona's (, two of which are his!
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-07-15, 18:34:43
Plus, it's SO unfair that Michael is holding three Albion Brescia Spadona's (, two of which are his!

If it makes you feel any better, only two of those are mine.

No, I can't say it makes me feel any better. :)
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2011-07-15, 19:17:15
Very nice Sir Nathen.  ;)
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-16, 00:38:25
Hahaha, I wonder why?????  ::)

But really, those Brescia Spadonas need liberating. At least 2. Wanna have a joint Tuetonic/SCA liberation effort, and split the plunder 50/50?  ;)  8)
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: B. Patricius on 2013-05-05, 04:22:31
Sir Nathan,

after reading through this, I just wanted to ask your current opinion of Von Gottesmund?   :) I too, am looking at a Darksword Armory sword.  I'm debating between the Norman, Type XII, or the Crusader.  Just kind of curious now a couple years later how she's doing for you.  It is such a beautiful sword, and the name does her justly.

B. Patricius
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2013-05-06, 23:10:44
She's held up well over the years, only a slight loosening of the grip (note the metal is still solid as a rock) after many many hits on various objects and hours upon hours of getting swung around.

With Darksword, you have to look at the specs to make sure it will feel alright in the hand. While all of Darkswords stuff isn't finely balanced and a bit heavy, some are much better than others.
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: B. Patricius on 2013-05-07, 00:23:37
cool, handle is a bummer, but like you said it isn't that big of a deal and something that does happen, especially with a lot of use.

thanks Sir Nathan.  I was looking at the Norman primarily anyway and I luckily know enough about swords to know what specs and weight I enjoy  :)
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: Ian on 2013-05-07, 01:20:21
As Sir Nathan eluded to, the 'common' complaint with Darksword is there swords are generally a little overbuilt.  Some are not very historical, and some are very overbuilt, but some are diamonds in the rough.  I would definitely take Sir Nathan's word for it on the Norman!
Title: Re: Von Gottesmund
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2013-05-07, 02:08:36
Yeah, the sword has great shaping, and the scabbard it came with was excellent quality.
It even tracks well in the cut, and doesn't require much micromanaging in it's movements, but it's just sluggish, and tiring if you use your sword inefficiently.