Main => The Campaign => Topic started by: Thorsteinn on 2011-07-04, 01:25:29
Have any of y'all seen the Laurin Tournament site or been to it in Italy? (
I've seen the site, many of the photos have been wallpapers for me. They REALLY present an authentic appearance.
Oooh, new eye candy, thanks for posting! No groin shots, I like it. lol
I wonder if punches and kicks are allowed? Regardless, I could so definitely get with this...if I could just get to South Tyrol, Italy!
Oooh, new eye candy, thanks for posting! No groin shots, I like it. lol
No groin shots? Like this one?
Well, the rules state that low blows to the genitals are not allowed...that looks horrific.
Oooh, new eye candy, thanks for posting! No groin shots, I like it. lol
No groin shots? Like this one?
You beat me to it, Ivan. I was about to post the same pic. :)
I don't remember for sure, but I think one of those two is a lady (and not due to an overzealous groin shot, either!).
I yacked in my helm just seeing that :o. Now it's off to the kitchen sink so I can raise my visor...
Well in all fairness though the groin might not have been the intended target but happened to be deflected further down from an attempt to thrust into the midsection. If it was me I would've given my opponent a warning and if it happened again then we'd be doing it for real. ;)
Fair enough, Sir Brian. I does look like a thrust only partially turned aside.