Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Sir Rodney on 2011-06-30, 15:52:45
Jeff Wasson of Wasson Artistry ( has just completed a replica of a late 15th century tournament armour belonging to Maximilian I or his son Philip I of Castile. It is absolutely jaw dropping.
Armour of Maximilian I --progress and construction photo (
i'll be in my bunk
It is like watching magic unfold...he actually used gold leaf to embellish the gorget. I am astounded at his talent and ability. And insanely jealous over whoever is his patron! lol
Some just have more talent than the rest of us.
Guh-guh-guh-WOW! Thanks for posting this, or I might have missed it! That is unbelievable!
i'll be in my bunk
Ha! :)
I actually just saw the original harness that this is a copy of last month in Austria, and this reproduction really does it justice.
Gah! Absolutely......Beautiful!
I actually just saw the original harness that this is a copy of last month in Austria, and this reproduction really does it justice.
it probably is better to be honest. all too often reproductions are better due to the artist being more anal about their work than in period.
Gah! Absolutely......Beautiful!
Must......Have........Someone get Allan! I have another custom project he doesn't have the time for, and I don't have the money for! :-[ :P ::)