Main => The Campaign => Topic started by: Sir Brian on 2011-06-16, 11:31:58
So who is attending? I'm still not sure since my Fae wife cannot decide between Celtic fling or the NYFF. The Celtic fling would not require a hotel but would also mean no armor. NYFF would require a hotel and armor would be a good probability. Oh well I must wait to see which milady decides. ;)
Why no armor at PARF, Sir Brian?
Not really sure I want to load it all up in the car for a day trip. I only wore armor three times at VARF and two of them were day trips that really take a lot out of me since I have to partially unload the car when I get back home or have a major rust problem on my various plate pieces. :-\
whine whine whine hehehehehehehe thats why u need to hire a squire!
whine wine whine wine whine wine hehehehehehehe thats why u need to hire a squire!
FIX'd! :D
I'm in agreement, definitely need a squire...had a helluva time dressing myself at VARF. And locking my keys in the car in mid-disrobe was just par for the course. lol
I have to partially unload the car when I get back home or have a major rust problem on my various plate pieces. :-\
Time for stainless steel!
What's the fun in that? I like having to scour and polish, scour and polish, scour and polish...although, if I factor in the time involved - the actual cost of stainless, I may owe myself more than I think- so I don't think about it. Much.
I'll be at Fling all weekend, I think.
Is it this weekend?
no the 25th and 26th. :)
Hmm. Not sure about that one; my daughter turns 17 on Thursday and she wants to come home for the weekend...who knows, we might make it but I am thinking mayhaps not.
Well my Fae wife finally decided for us that we'll be going to the Celtic fling on the 26th. :)
Well my Fae wife finally decided for us that we'll be going to the Celtic fling on the 26th. :)
Gauisus uxor Gauisus vita ;)
et bene mihi ;)
Nice! Keep an eye open for me Sir Brian. No armor for me either, I'll be sporting one of my kilts.
Will do! :)