Main => The Round Table => Topic started by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-06-11, 15:12:33

Title: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-06-11, 15:12:33
I was just wondering when my coat of arms will be posted on your roster. I did send Ed a copy and he sent one back for my approval, which I gave.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-06-11, 21:44:18
Hi there! The order roster is for members, so you'll have to look into joining the order first. The nutshell version of how that works is that you need two knights to sponsor you for membership. Up until this week we didn't have any knights, so we were a bit crippled by our rules. Now we have a few. The best way to get sponsors right now is to participate here on the forum and let us all get to know each other.

On the other hand, there's also the "Knight Pages" section of the website. You can post whatever you like there, since you're already a member of the forum.

Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-06-13, 16:40:58
Well, I have been posting and think I have a lot to give to the organization. Since Matthew was the one who steered me to this site, and I have sommunicated with Ed via his private e-mail, would those two be willing to stand for me as a knight? Thanks.

P.S. I do have a copy of the creation (text) of a knight that they did back then. I also have other things relating to knighting, white surcoat, red hooded cape, etc. (If one wanted to do the knighting thing properly. (I sort of wrote a treatise on Knighthood)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-06-13, 18:14:37

Good, good. Did you say you're near the PA renfaire? Maybe we can meet up there this year? I forget what the dates are. Doesn't it open in August?

Feel free to join in on more conversations here. You'll find we're all very friendly and chatty.

Matthew hasn't been knighted yet, but he's a founding member. Please bear with us since we're really just getting started. But we definitely would like to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-06-13, 22:18:43
(I sort of wrote a treatise on Knighthood)

I would be interested to read it if you are willing to post and share it with us. :)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2011-06-13, 23:58:29
Just curious....

How many here can speak their Arms heraldicaly?

How many here can't but have a copy of what they are close at hand?

How many need to know how that's all done?

See I do not know mine in herald speak but I have a copy of what it is in my wallet. Someday I'll learn them, it's only been 20+ yrs.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-06-14, 04:27:55

If I think and speak slowly/carefully, I can work through mine and speak something close to what it should be. It's a lot harder than just reading it off my website. :)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2011-06-14, 13:53:30
Seeing as I need to come up with a new one, I can't verbalize it just yet.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Brian on 2011-06-14, 16:21:33

If I think and speak slowly/carefully, I can work through mine and speak something close to what it should be. It's a lot harder than just reading it off my website. :)

Yeah I unfortunately have not yet mastered the oratorical equivalent of Copy and Paste! :D
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2011-06-16, 05:41:06
I must admit that I cheat by looking it up on, and it's:

Azure, a point pointed and in chief an axe between in fess two arrows argent.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Matthew on 2011-06-16, 10:55:09
I can speak mine in heraldric, but don'e ask me to speak of anyone else's ;) I only know mine because I researched what I wanted and had some kind assistance in the verbage from my fellow board members here.

Sir John, I don't really remember you, sorry, but that's not all that unusuall. I see alot of people at Faire and my job so remembering names and faces just doesn't always happen. If you will happen to be a Celtic Fling at PaRF let me know and we can try to set up a meeting to refresh my memory. If not, catch me anytime you get up to PaRF. I'll be part of the Trayned Band so just wonder down into camp and ask for me. We're all pretty freindly down there and someone will point you my way.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-06-16, 11:53:29
John, do you have any larger pictures of your outfit? Also one of your COA? Have you sought out 2 formal knights to sponsor you yet? :)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Wulf on 2011-06-17, 12:27:23
Or two lions passant sable, one over the other
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-06-18, 14:01:55
I have no idea how ro get two knights to sponsor me. I was directed here by one member who I met on the PA Ren Faire message board and have e-mailed Ed.

My tretisie on Knights is very long with loads of don't know if it would even send in an e-mail. The pictures take up a lot of room. I don't know how to add a picture to a post, or I'd post my coat of arms there. I did have it copyrighted in the US so noone else can use it. Plus as far as the Pope, the church and the Knights of Columbus is concerened...I "am" Sir John. It was really cool gettting the accolade.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-06-18, 14:35:21

Very cool. The Knights of Columbus appear to be an upstanding group.

For pictures, the easiest is probably to upload them to a site like Photobucket or Flickr, and then copy-and-paste the forum links they provide into your message.

For a document, that's a little harder. But if you wanted to make a copy available to people, you can email it to me, and I'd be happy to put it on the server.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-06-18, 23:19:17
as far as the Pope, the church and the Knights of Columbus is concerened...I "am" Sir John. It was really cool gettting the accolade.

Wow, very impressive. Congratulations on that!
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-07-23, 14:04:56
Ny tretise on my Knighthood is like 4 MB, so could only send it by e-mail.

I am still waiting for 2 Knights to sponsor me so I can be an official member! Any one willing?
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-07-23, 15:05:55
all things come to those that wait :) there is an order to these things, being the second/third guy here I haven't gotten mine yet ;)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-07-23, 21:10:56
Ny tretise on my Knighthood is like 4 MB, so could only send it by e-mail.

I am still waiting for 2 Knights to sponsor me so I can be an official member! Any one willing?

There are currently only 3 or 4 knights (4 counting the knight commander). So far, no one has been sponsored that hasn't been physically met in person, I would say hang in there until PARF comes around and some of us have a chance to meet you, and I'd wager you'll get sponsorship based on everything we've seen so far.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2011-07-25, 14:01:08
Well said, Sir would be good for some of the members to get a feel for him.  Understand, it isn't about elitism or anything like that...for my part, I'd just like to know if a prospective member is going to active or is just looking to add to their collection of memberships...that is, gain membership, add it to said resume and move on to the next organization.  Nothing wrong with that, but I do not think that is what we are looking for.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-25, 16:50:35
Yeah, I myself have all my Sponsorships (I also got the ceremony cleared by my Priest) so I can have it done in a church with a blessing and such.
what I'm waiting on is for me to get done my Teutonic Knight kit.
It's not something you rush into off the bat. I would recommend chatting on here for a while, get to know us.
Where did you get the evidence for the Knighthood thing? Is it period or a modern knighthood thing?

And yes, I didn't get myself sponsored until my 2nd real meeting with the guys here. (Although I do remember I harassed Sir Brian about his kit once before I had the privilege of meeting you guys!) 
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-07-25, 19:08:24
Yep, we definitely want our system to be non-elitist, and open to all who share our enthusiasm for knights and armor. However what we don't want is for it to become one of those "free online knighthoods for everyone!" sort of things.

So by participating here on the forum, you're already doing the right thing. We all need to get to know each other. And as others have pointed out, it would help if we can get to meet you too.

Since the Order is only just getting off the ground, it's possible we're being a bit cautious just because we don't have an established flow yet. We've only knighted two people so far, and have only brought in a couple of new members since then. So we're still a bit new to the system ourselves. :)

Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-25, 20:05:40
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2011-07-26, 16:26:38
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2011-07-27, 04:56:41
L'Chaim! Mazel Tov!
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-07-30, 14:15:17
I try to post something every week. Here's something on the sword Excaliber in case you didn't know:
According to legend, the sword was forged from a flaming rock that fell to the earth from the stars and cooled in the ice of a mountain. There it was found by a master blacksmith, who hammered it in his furnace for 3 days and three knights. It was given to (Caius) Julius Caesar when he conquered Britain during the first century A.D. and engraved: “CAI • ILV • CAES • ENIS • CALIBVRUS” – The first three parts are abbreviated forms of “CAIus JULius CAESer.” “ENIS” is Latin for “sword” and the last word means: “In the character of Freedom.” Together it translates: “Caius Julius Caesar – sword of freedom.”

Before Julius Caesar was killed, he put this sword in an underground temple where it was found by Romulus Augusts Caesar. At this time he was only 14 years old. His reign as Emperor lasted only 10 months (October 31, 475-September 4, 476) and marked the end of the Roman Empire. His father, Orestes, Magister Militium, and his mother were killed on August 28, 476, during the revolt under the leadership of the barbarian chieftain: Odoacer. The young emperor, Romulus was captured and sent to exile in Capri. There Romulus found the underground temple with a statue of Julius Caesar holding the above mentioned sword.

A loyal Roman General: Aurelius, rescued and freed Romulus and they escaped and fled with the sword to Britain, where the 9th Roman Legion (known as “The Dragon Legion”) still remained.  (This legion was involved in the invasion of Britain in 43 A.D., participated in battles in Scotland in 72 A.D. and the building of Adrian’s wall in 122 A.D.)

With the remnants of this legion, a great battle was fought against an English warlord: Vortgyn.” Aurelius told Romulus that he fought like “the son of a dragon.” When it was over, Romulus decided to stay in England as their king, saying to his people that the time for killing was at an end and the time for peace was here. He threw away the sword which unknowingly landed, impaling itself in a rock (later to be found by the soon to be King Arthur.)

Romulus took the Celtic name: “Uther” and “Pendragon” after the “9th Roman Legion.”

He later had a son he called Arthur who found the sword almost totally covered with moss, showing only part of the inscription: “ES CALIBVRNVS” which was mistranslated into: “Excalibur.”

I do have my own copy of the sword and by tradition, covred up that part of the inscription...

Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-08-01, 16:25:26
That may be the coolest excalibur story I've heard yet.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2011-08-02, 14:49:56
It was also the basis of a movie, the Last Legion: (

All of the points as outlined by Sir John served as the major plot points of the film; I thought it was a good movie, but there are those of us who will decry its lack of historicity.  LOL

But I had not read that version anywhere...only saw it in a movie.  Sir John, what is the source of that particular legend?
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-08-02, 20:25:53
i think i'm the only one that liked the Last Legion ;)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Matthew on 2011-08-03, 02:06:23
No way, that movie was awesome!
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2011-08-04, 15:26:28
I liked it as well, Sir Wolf...but of the movies I've seen thus far about the 9th legion, it is my least favorite.  Still like it...if only for Aishwarya Rai...I could watch her wash clothes and be fascinated.  lol
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-08-06, 13:12:38
I'm watching that movie now and think it's great. I agree that it doesn't follow history exactly, but it's close.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2011-08-08, 14:58:59
Since there is little that survived to tell the tale of the 9th, whether or not they got it right is ripe for conjecture, but not educated discourse.  We could argue the finer points ad nauseum but as I stated, there's no records of this legion once they passed into Britannia...who is to say what really happened?
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-09-10, 15:01:01
I'm still waiting to see my coat of arms posted on your list. I notice many more have been added. I have asked about two knights to sponsor me, but none have contacted me yet. I have tried to show my interest, including my "Knight of the Week" thread. Can anyone tell me how long it might be before I am accepted as a full member with my coat of arms poster? Thanks.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2011-09-12, 15:43:14
Sir John, as we are more or less a fledgling order, there are no hard and fast rules for membership- done on a case by case basis, it boils down to familiarity.  Your presence on this forum is noted, as is your interest- but none of us have ever met you (although I understand that may change, and soon) so we are getting to know you on here.

Having said that, being a member of the forum here does not equate to membership in the Order...and it is the Roll of Arms you are inquiring about.  That takes a bit more...not only must one be known, but it must be put forth by an existing member that such a one should be considered for membership and another member must concur in order to move forward.  Usually sponsorship is discussed when a knight puts forth your name for consideration...until that occurs, be a presence here in the forums, be a presence at Faire as suits you best and eventually, your name may enter the lyst for consideration.

To give you a bit of a timeframe, I became a member of the forums nearly three years ago but was only just knighted into the Order this past May so for me, it took 2 1/2 years- and I am one of the founding members of said Order. 

This will not be a quickly-acquired ranking only to be forgotten amongst all of your previous accolades...but you are on the right track.  Let us get to know the man beneath the armor.

Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-01-01, 15:30:02
I just wanted to mention that I finally had my coat of arms registered in England's "Burke's Peerage and Gentry International Register of arms."

Sir John


John Paul Myers
Registered: The International Register of Arms 12th December 2011. Registration No. 0206 (Vol.2).

Arms: Tenne, between two martlets Sable fimbriated Argent, one in dexter fess point and one in sinister fess point in chief a mullet Azure surmounted by a martlet Sable fimbriated Argent and in base a crescent Argent two scythes in saltire Argent surmounted by an escutcheon* quarterly Argent and Sable.

Crest: A Hawk’s Head erased Gules, Beaked and Eye Or.

Motto: Perseverantis Vincit Omnia (Perseverance Conquers All)

Assumed: Arms assumed 2011.
The Armiger was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on the 2nd of March 1946 and works as a professional Analytical Chemist.

These arms are based on those of the armiger’s father, Samuel Anthony Myers I, differenced by the use of a crescent to denote a second son.
The armiger is a member of the charitable organisation “Knights of Columbus”.

* NB: This is not an escutcheon of pretence.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Patrick on 2012-01-02, 01:07:21
Congrats!  Now You're official!
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2012-01-02, 14:52:32
That`s great  ;)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2012-01-02, 16:43:49
Congratulations, Sir John.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Andrew on 2012-01-02, 18:42:49
Huzzah and congrats, Sir John! ;D
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-01-02, 21:57:56
Thanks...I figured I'd do it right with Burke's...they've been doing it for nobility and knights since the early 1800s. They go by the book, so they put an argent fibriation so a color doesn't sit on a color. I had hoped that at least as a member of the worldwide knights of columbus that I could register as a knight, but they said they do that ONLY if you were knighted by the Queen of England...but hey...Now I'm in their books with all the famous nobility and knights (arms)

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2012-01-03, 15:00:16

Awesome, congrats!
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Brian on 2012-01-03, 15:12:53
Congratulations! :)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Ian on 2012-01-04, 04:58:56
Congrats!!  :D
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-07-14, 14:18:46
I have only met Sir Matthew at the PARF and it's too bad he can't make it to my knighting. However I intend to invute him to visit me for lunch some saturday and I can show him the movie about knight that I made. I do look forward to meeting more of you the day of my knighting.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-01-06, 16:31:49
Happy New Year everyone!
Now that the holidays are passed, I wanted to bring up the topic of my knighting again. I had mentioned that April would be good for me. Are there 3 knights that would be able to do the knighting? I don't need to pin down an exact date yet, although, a couple of the things I have planned, need to have a set date. (It's part of my atmosphere for the knighting...that's all I can say.) Plus I was thinking if an arrival time could be between 10am and 11am, then have the knighting, then the fest, then watch the movie about knights that I made. That gives plenty of time for you to get back home at a not to late a time.

As I said before, I can accomodate 3 knights comfortably...more would be a little tight.

As every day passes, I find more that I can do to medievalize my

So please at least give me an update. Thanks a lot.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Lord Dane on 2013-01-06, 19:14:19
No worries, Sir John. We can always make accomodations at the Knight's Inn. Yuck-Yuck-Yuck.  :D
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-01-06, 21:21:34
None of you have any idea what you will be walking into. It will be unlike any private knighting that you have ever seen. Needless to say, I put a LOT of work into it. But those who come will NOT be disapointed.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-01-07, 00:25:18
Sir John,

I've been awaiting information about Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts (PIFA 2013), on April 27th, that takes place in Pennsylvania. We may be "working" there, or we may simply be attending. A number of us will be there. If possible, we would like to meet you then. As mentioned before, generally we like to meet someone before sponsoring them, but there are no rules against meeting and sponsoring the same day.

Depending on our travel logistics and arrangements, we should be able to work something out. We don't know if we are working or attending (working would mean strict attendance hours), so unfortunately I only have vague information at the moment. We will figure out more details as we get closer to the date.

Also, Happy New Year!
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-01-07, 22:53:17
Sir James,

I understand. Would early in April be better? It wouldn't be too cold or too hot, so it would make it comfortable. The end of April can get warm. I used to do Civil War living history at the end of April, and it could get quite warm sometimes. Especially in a wool uniform. (I hot armor as well.) But I've found that in my area, early April has nice temperatures. Easter will have already passed, so that's not a problem. At least consider what I've said. Thanks,

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-01-08, 17:06:31
Sir James,

I understand. Would early in April be better? It wouldn't be too cold or too hot, so it would make it comfortable. The end of April can get warm. I used to do Civil War living history at the end of April, and it could get quite warm sometimes. Especially in a wool uniform. (I hot armor as well.) But I've found that in my area, early April has nice temperatures. Easter will have already passed, so that's not a problem. At least consider what I've said. Thanks,

Sir John

Early and mid April would not work for me due to conflicts. I am not sure for the others.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2013-01-08, 21:26:09
Sir John, there are a number of us who are willing to descend upon your fair town, specifically on April 27 as we will also be near, possibly, for a function with an upcoming PIFA event.  We don't know yet whether we'll be "working" or just "playing" as it any case, that date seems to work for all involved so...unless it doesn't work for you, tentative planning for that day is already under way.

Seeing as you plan on your ceremony to take up most of a day, we'll need to plan for that, too.  Please understand, all of us work in different fields (although Sirs Edward and James perform similar duties, it isn't with the same firm) and have our own schedules (and spouses for that matter) that need to be addressed/adjusted/informed to accomodate- we will make it happen if/when we can all come together.  You've been more or less patient up til now- we ask that you be patient for a little while longer, until we know what's going to happen with the 2013 Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts event.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-01-08, 22:58:10
Sir William,

I understand that all of you are busy with many things. I only need 3 knights (more would be cramped). Any Saturday in April is fine for me. I realize that you prefer to meet the person before he is knighted...but I hope we can do it the same day. I have tried hard to show that I joined not just to get knighted. I have added my knight of the week, which has more than 6,500 views. I had hoped it would bring more recognition to the group. When you can, could you tell me the names of the 3 knights that will visit me? Plus their adresses, as I have special invitations prepared. Phone numbers would be good too. I will send you mine in a personal message.

Plus you are correct, it will take a good part of the day, but I think you will find it worth it. The knighting...the feast....and the movie about knights that I made.

Please try to keep me informed as to your plans for the knighting.

I am, with great respect, your most obedient servant,

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2013-01-09, 14:36:58
That sounds very reasonable to me, Sir John...I'll consult with my Brothers and we'll get back to you sooner rather than later (hopefully).  As for mailing addresses, we'll send you those once we know who will be in attendance.  Also, do not be alarmed if more than 3 of us show up- like as not, the others want to meet you as well but they need not stay if you would prefer them not to.  We would not want to impose ourselves upon you.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-01-09, 15:02:49

So far I *think* I'm flexible in April. I'll probably be following everyone else's schedules as best I can. :)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Brian on 2013-01-09, 17:48:49

So far I *think* I'm flexible in April. I'll probably be following everyone else's schedules as best I can. :)

Pretty much the same for me. :)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-01-09, 20:15:40
The first weekend in April, I have a family birthday; I'm not sure what's going on for that, but that weekend may be out.

While it does only require 3 knights for sponsorship as a knight, there are currently only 5 knights in driving distance of you, myself included. We are still a small (but growing) group. Coordination of schedule will be important. :)

Also, we do appreciate the Knight of the Week thread. I am looking forward to who "#1" will be. We have not declined knighting, we do see and appreciate your efforts. We just have to work out some details.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-01-09, 22:48:37
Sir William, long as everyone accepts being crowded, I am open to all who want to attend. Let me be more specific...I have made a medieval knighting room. (one will sit in the chair, and the other 2 standing)...if more want to crowd in that room (it's small) they can stand on the side if that is satisfactory. As for the food afterwards...while the dining room is larger, it is currently set up for 4 knights including me. With enough notice, I can add 2 more spaces, although it may be a little crowded. More than that won't be able to sit at the table. There's no problem in watching the's in the  living room, and a lot more room. So, as long as you give me enough notice, I will work on making the necessary changes.


Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-01-09, 22:50:52
Fellow knights....

All my information may be read in the above message. I didn't want to write it a few times. Thanks.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-01-09, 23:03:07
I just wanted to add once more, as the time passes, I keep updating my home into a medieval atmosphere. When I say that I do everything 110%, that may be on the mild side. I am trying to make this one of the most memorable events you will go to.

For the knighting, I want to follow the medival way that they did it, with a couple changes. Don't worry, I have "crib" cards for all the participants, so no need to memorize anything.

If any of the "extra" knights can use a video camera, that would be great if he can do that. I had intended to just place it on a tripod and let it run. When I have finished editing the video...which will include more than you will be experiencing at the knighting, I will send a couple copies to you. Since I will be using copyrighted music, it would not be fit to post on the internet.

That's all for now...I am anxiously awaiting any updates you may have,

I am your most obedient servant,

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-01-10, 02:58:50
Sir John, no problem, we'll be able to stand or fit otherwise. If more than 3 make it I am sure someone can run the camera. I checked in with the person coordinating for the Philadephia Arts festival, and am waiting to hear back from them. I will update when I have any info.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-01-24, 00:29:03
I thought to myself, that usually when one gets knighted there should be a Patent of Knighthood. I did find one online so I used this as a starting point and came up with this one. I think it looks nice...even if noone else doesn't...I'd like mine signed by Sir the way, it's already signed by William Marshal himself! No joke...his signature is online and I downloaded it. Tell me what you think.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Lord Dane on 2013-01-24, 07:46:38
Very nice design, Sir John. I think it is an appropriate addition to one's knighting. If anything, it's a reminder of your ceremony.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-01-24, 21:32:40
I like it, Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2013-01-25, 17:04:39
Sir John:  I approve this patent and you have inspired me to do likewise!  Many thanks and when the time of my accolade comes, be prepared Brethren, it will be the cherry on top of the cake. ;)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2013-01-25, 18:22:16
I like that, Sir John.  I'm thinking we should all have one- those of us currently knighted into the Order, with future knightings to follow with this format.  What does Sir Edward say on this matter?
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-01-25, 18:34:29

That's mainly the purpose of the certificates we do now. :) But folks are free to have whatever customized items they like as well. There's no rule against it.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2013-01-25, 21:11:16
Of course, and I cast no aspersions on the certificate format we have used thus far; I just liked the look of Sir John's as well.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-10, 14:46:31
I haven't seen your certificate for knighthood of the Order. I made this one up because I was unaware you already had one. My appologies.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-10, 17:51:48
I haven't seen your certificate for knighthood of the Order. I made this one up because I was unaware you already had one. My appologies.

Sir John

You're allowed to use your own certificate if you so choose.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-10, 20:05:36
Thanks. But can I see wht the Order's cerficate looks like? Thanks.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-11, 03:36:14
Here's mine. The text isn't readable, but you can see the formatting:

Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2013-02-11, 12:58:26
Now I see the goal in plain sight, now i see the visual aspiration. Many thanks Sir James, you are getting this squire geared up for serious training and adherence to the Chivalric code.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-11, 22:42:18
Thanks for posting your certificate. I tend to be more artistic and I think I'll use mine. If the group likes my certificate, I can e-mail a larger version. If problem.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-12, 04:38:36
Thanks for posting your certificate. I tend to be more artistic and I think I'll use mine. If the group likes my certificate, I can e-mail a larger version. If problem.

Sir John

Your knighting, your choice, Sir John. :)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-12, 22:14:47
Sir James,

Thank you for understanding...I didn't want to offend anyone.

By the you know which 2 knights will be my sponsors and who will do the knighting, and who could take pictures with my cameras?


Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2013-02-16, 00:22:57
I am more than happy with the original certificate, but as long as Sir Johns version contains the required and essential wording I don`t suppose it matters on the artistic content.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-16, 04:07:38
By the you know which 2 knights will be my sponsors and who will do the knighting, and who could take pictures with my cameras?

Sir Brian, Sir Nathan, and myself are your sponsors. One of the squires of the Order, Chris, will likely be along and can work the camera.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-16, 14:48:48
Sir James,

I'm a bit confused. I thought only 5 members were coming: you, Edward, Gerard, Nathan and William. Does this mean 6 will be coming? I am only set up for 5 of you. Who is Chris?

So the three you mentioned...two will be at my side and the other will conduct the Knighting? Can't one of the others take the pictures. The knighting room is very small. Plus I will have to re do the Banquet room. That might be a problem...the last 2 weeks I've been sick with a I threw out my recovering. So my time for setting things us has shortened.

Let me know what you think and if we can keep the visitors to just 5. Thanks.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Ian on 2013-02-16, 16:23:28
Sir John, I think you may be mistaken with Sir Gerard, he lives in England and will more than likely not be attending.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-16, 18:00:10
Sir Ian,

I'm sorry, got the names mixed up...I was told that only 5 from the group would be coming: Sir James, Sir Brian, Sir Nathan, Sir Edward and Sir William. I don't really have  room for any more. I was hoping one of the two knights who were not my sponsors would take the pictures.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2013-02-16, 18:59:32
Sir John, I think you may be mistaken with Sir Gerard, he lives in England and will more than likely not be attending.

Quite right, It`s a bit far to travel for a day trip  ;) Although I would have liked nothing more than to be there.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-18, 05:33:54
Sir James,

I'm a bit confused. I thought only 5 members were coming: you, Edward, Gerard, Nathan and William. Does this mean 6 will be coming? I am only set up for 5 of you. Who is Chris?

So the three you mentioned...two will be at my side and the other will conduct the Knighting? Can't one of the others take the pictures. The knighting room is very small. Plus I will have to re do the Banquet room. That might be a problem...the last 2 weeks I've been sick with a I threw out my recovering. So my time for setting things us has shortened.

Let me know what you think and if we can keep the visitors to just 5. Thanks.

Sir John

We will be in the area for another event, and Chris will likely be along with me. It's still a while away, and I've been sidetracked well enough that I've lost count of who is coming to what and where for the weekend. All of us know how to work a camera, so that's no big deal. If 5 is the limit, we'll figure something out, based on who's going where when and what the overlap with the event there in PA will be too.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-23, 14:26:35
Sir James,

Thanks for the update. Sorry I didn't answer sooner, but I've had a virus for 2 weeks which now has turned into a sinus infection. So I'll probably be resting again this week.

Sir Kohn
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-24, 20:09:25
Sir James,

Thanks for the update. Sorry I didn't answer sooner, but I've had a virus for 2 weeks which now has turned into a sinus infection. So I'll probably be resting again this week.

Sir Kohn

Sir John,

You're welcome. You are correct, our original plan was making a trip for your knighting. When the event nearby you came up, we heard about it in December, and it seemed a perfect opportunity. Chris was not in the original list of attendees, before we knew about the event, but wants to go to the event with us.

Even if there is not enough space in the knighting room, if there is somewhere else he can wait during the ceremony that would be perfectly fine. He (and probably Sir Nathan) are carpooling with me, so we'll be coming as a group. We don't want to overburden you.

Rest up, and hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-24, 21:26:40
Sir James,

Thanks for the information. Does that mean that there will be six visiting and not 5? Also, does one of the three sponsors do the knighting? Or does Sir Edward do that? So it sounds like you will all be coming at the same time?

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-24, 21:49:57
Sir James,

Thanks for the information. Does that mean that there will be six visiting and not 5? Also, does one of the three sponsors do the knighting? Or does Sir Edward do that? So it sounds like you will all be coming at the same time?

Sir John

Sir John,

Currently the attendance list is at 6 due to the nearby event as well. That is subject to change if anyone has any conflicts come up closer to the date, but the number will not be increasing.

I believe that Sir Edward will do the knighting. So far, Sir Edward has done all of the other member knightings and has a Knight Commander medallion as well.

We should all be arriving at or near the same time.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-24, 21:53:34
Sir James,

Can you tell me then who will be the two knights that will be at my side during the knighting?


Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-25, 01:55:49
Sir James,

Can you tell me then who will be the two knights that will be at my side during the knighting?


Sir John

That's completely up to you, I believe. Thus far, if memory serves me correctly, tradition has been that two sponsors are the ones to stand at your side and affix the spurs. Sir Nathan, Sir Brian, and I have sponsored you.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-02-25, 14:22:16

Which date are we planning for again? I need to add it to my calendar before things get to complicated. :)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-25, 16:30:09
Which date are we planning for again? I need to add it to my calendar before things get to complicated. :)

Either April 27th or 28th - the arts festival event is on the 27th, I'm not sure if we are "day tripping" or making it a weekend thing.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-02-25, 17:08:45

OK, I need to pencil that in before my calendar fills up.

This could be a very busy spring. We may be moving to Leesburg (nothing written in stone yet though).
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Brian on 2013-02-25, 17:34:59
This could be a very busy spring. We may be moving to Leesburg (nothing written in stone yet though).

Well if it does happen and you need 'help' moving your medieval arsenal I will be more than happy to lend a hand...(and a semi-permanent home for some of the really nice items!)  ;D
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-02-25, 18:50:59
Well if it does happen and you need 'help' moving your medieval arsenal I will be more than happy to lend a hand...(and a semi-permanent home for some of the really nice items!)  ;D

Hah! I see how this works. :)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-25, 22:08:10
My Lords,

I have viewed your messages about dates. I need to know now if my knighting will be on the 27th or not. The 28th is not good for me. If you find it impossible then I guess we could cancel and set up another date, or reduce the knights at my knighting to just three...which will free up the others for other events. My knighting will take up most of the day.

I am, with great respect, your most obedient servant,

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-25, 22:22:38
Sir James,
So is squire Chris coming? I will need him to send me his address then. Please keep me updated...and I prefer not to have any major changes so close to the knighting, as I am going to a lot of work to set it up.


Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-25, 22:28:01
Sorry for another message, but does Chris have a coat of arms? (That is, if he is coming>)

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir Edward on 2013-02-26, 00:54:44
He hasn't worked out a CoA yet, no.

I think the 27th is OK for me.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-02-26, 04:10:53
Sir James,
So is squire Chris coming? I will need him to send me his address then. Please keep me updated...and I prefer not to have any major changes so close to the knighting, as I am going to a lot of work to set it up.


Sir John

The 27th should be good for me, however I am not certain on arrival time, it will depend on my work schedule and when I can get out the day before.

Squire Chris is a "likely". I will try to confirm with him this week. Since the 27th is also the day of the Arts festival, he may not be coming. As for his address, you could mail it to me and I'll get it to him (he lives with multiple other people). We will try to get details ironed out soon.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-26, 22:24:22
Sir James,

Thank you for the update. I do need a head count as soon as possible, because I have to set up the dining room table, which will be quite elaborate and cannot be done at the last minute.

Let me know about Chris, and if you can find out exactly how many will be coming. I was hoping that the members can arrive about 11am....there would be a delay since they are not all coming in one car. Then about 45 minutes for the knighting, a break when we order the pizza, then at least 45 minutes to eat. I will be serving non-alcoholic beer. It really tastes like real beer. I don't want anyone getting drunk and driving.

One more thing...I have a dog, who is wary of strangers, so the smaller the group the better. You guys should be Ok with her...just let her sniff you.

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir William on 2013-02-27, 16:04:17
This could be a very busy spring. We may be moving to Leesburg (nothing written in stone yet though).

Well if it does happen and you need 'help' moving your medieval arsenal I will be more than happy to lend a hand...(and a semi-permanent home for some of the really nice items!)  ;D

Lord Commander, if you need temporary holding facilities for your armory, may I suggest my own armory, which is currently in a state of disarray so there's more than enough room to accomodate your collection.  If you need it.  :)
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-03-03, 19:03:15
Sir James,

Thank you for the update. I do need a head count as soon as possible, because I have to set up the dining room table, which will be quite elaborate and cannot be done at the last minute.

Let me know about Chris, and if you can find out exactly how many will be coming. I was hoping that the members can arrive about 11am....there would be a delay since they are not all coming in one car. Then about 45 minutes for the knighting, a break when we order the pizza, then at least 45 minutes to eat. I will be serving non-alcoholic beer. It really tastes like real beer. I don't want anyone getting drunk and driving.

One more thing...I have a dog, who is wary of strangers, so the smaller the group the better. You guys should be Ok with her...just let her sniff you.

Sir John

Sir John,

Final head count will be 5; Sir Edward, Sir Brian, Sir Nathan, Sir William, and myself. As long as the dog does not smell the cats on some of us and consider us food, we will be fine.

Some of us attending do not drink beer; we can bring our own beverages, if that is okay.

We will see you on April 27th.
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-03-03, 20:21:24
Sir James,

Thank you for the final update on who is coming. I will also be having soda...but feel free to bring whatever you want.
Once my dog is used to you, she will probably fall asleep. As an extra incentive...she goes wild over a special chew bone, and usually doesn't disuade from I'll give her one after you guys come.

Can you tell me a range of times that you will arrive? Like between 10:30 and 11:30 am. Also will each have their own car or will you be car pooling? (That will effect what I plan to do.)

I am probably not going to be able to be as elaborate as I wanted due to last month's illness. But I think it still will be special.

I'm plannig to have Sir Edward do the knighting, you and Sir Brian as the knights by my side, and Sir Nathan can take pictures if he doesn't mind. Since it is a more involved knighting, I think I told you, I will give you cards that you can read from. Now I can put your names on them to help you get through it.

The spurs I will be using are slip on spurs...I thought that would be easier than trying to put on the leather straps.

Any changes, please keep me informed. The invitations will have a map, directions, even an aerial photo of my street and house. If I'm able to do what I want, you won't even need a street there is NO way you will not be able to identify my house!

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir James A on 2013-03-04, 02:43:45
Sir John,

We'll have to get back to you on arrival times. 10:30 to 11:30 am seems a reasonable guess at this point. There will be no more than 3 cars, possibly only one or two. I'll have to get back to you on that one as well.

This sounds like it will be quite the event! We are all looking forward to it.

~ Sir James
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-03-04, 22:17:51
Sir James,

I hope to make it a very memorable event for everyone. (Just bear with me on the house being messy. Mostly dog soon as I clean it up, it's there again. Plus the dust is a problem with all my armor, hard to keep clean.)

Sir John
Title: Re: My coat of arms
Post by: SirNathanQ on 2013-03-05, 04:35:35
Well if it does happen and you need 'help' moving your medieval arsenal I will be more than happy to lend a hand...(and a semi-permanent home for some of the really nice items!)  ;D

Yeah, and I have space as well, even for those space-consuming A&A polearms!  ;)